# netool-toolkit-downloader-installer
Operative Systems Suported are: Linux-ubuntu, kali-linux, backtack-linux (un-continued), freeBSD, Mac osx (un-continued) Netool its a toolkit written using 'bash, python, ruby' that allows you to automate frameworks like Nmap, Driftnet, Sslstrip, Metasploit and Ettercap MitM attacks. this toolkit makes it easy tasks such as SNIFFING tcp/udp traffic, Man-In-The-Middle attacks, SSL-sniff, DNS-spoofing, D0S attacks in wan/lan networks, TCP/UDP packet manipulation using etter-filters, and gives you the ability to capture pictures of target webbrowser surfing (driftnet), also uses macchanger to decoy scans changing the mac address. Rootsector module allows you to automate some attacks over DNS_SPOOF + MitM (phishing - social engineering) using metasploit, apache2 and ettercap frameworks. Like the generation of payloads, shellcode, backdoors delivered using dns_spoof and MitM method to redirect a target to your phishing webpage. recent as introducted the scanner inurlbr (by cleiton)
# how to install netool-toolkit
sudo git clone https://github.com/mr-wassim/netool-toolkit-downloader-installer.git
sudo cd netool-toolkit-downloader-installer
sudo chmod +x *.sh
sudo ./downloader.sh
# Dependencies
zenity | Nmap | Ettercap | Macchanger | Metasploit | Driftnet | Apache2 | sslstrip
curl | libcurl3 | libcurl3-dev | php5 | php5-cli | php5-curl
# Features (modules)
"1-Show Local Connections"
"2-Nmap Scanner menu"
Ping target
Show my Ip address
See/change mac address
change my PC hostname
Scan Local network
Scan external lan for hosts
Scan a list of targets (list.txt)
Scan remote host for vulns
Execute Nmap command
Search for target geolocation
ping of dead (DoS)
Norse (cyber attacks map)
nmap Nse vuln modules
nmap Nse discovery modules
nmap stealth scan (evade IDS)
"3-Retrieve metadata"
retrieve metadata from target website
retrieve using a fake user-agent
retrieve only certain file types
"4-open router config webpage"
"5-ip tracer whois"
"6-INURLBR.php (webcrawler)"
scanner inurlbr.php -> Advanced search with multiple engines, provided
analysis enables to exploit GET/POST capturing emails/urls & internal
custom validation for each target/url found. also the ability to use
external frameworks in conjuction with the scanner like nmap,sqlmap,etc
or simple the use of external scripts.
"7-cupp.py password profiler"
"8-r00tsect0r automated exploits (phishing - social engeneering)"
package.deb backdoor [Binary linux trojan]
Backdooring EXE Files [Backdooring EXE Files]
fakeupdate.exe [dns-spoof phishing backdoor]
meterpreter powershell invocation payloads [by ReL1K]
Web_delivery (PSH/PYTHON) payloads
host a file attack [dns_spoof+mitm-hosted file]
clone website [dns-spoof phishing keylooger]
Java.jar phishing [dns-spoof+java.jar+phishing]
clone website [dns-spoof + java-applet]
clone website [browser_autopwn phishing Iframe]
Block network access [dns-spoof]
Samsung TV DoS [Plasma TV DoS attack]
RDP DoS attack [Dos attack against target RDP]
website D0S flood [Dos attack using syn packets]
firefox_xpi_bootstarpped_addon automated exploit
PDF backdoor [insert a payload into a PDF file]
Winrar backdoor (file spoofing)
VBScript injection [embedded a payload into a world document]
router phishing (capture router credentials over mitm)
Adobe_hacking_team (adobe browser exploit)
".::[ normal payloads ]::."
windows.exe payload
mac osx payload
linux payload
java signed applet [multi-operative systems]
android-meterpreter [android smartphone payload]
webshell.php [webshell.php backdoor]
generate shellcode [C,Perl,Ruby,Python,exe,war,vbs,Dll,js]
Session hijacking [cookie hijacking]
Shellter PE infector [build obfuscated backdoors]
start a lisenner [multi-handler]
"9-Config ettercap"
"10-Launch MitM"
"11-Show URLs visited"
"12-MITM + Dns-Spoofing"
"13-DoS attack [local lan]"
"14-Compile etter.filters"
"15-Execute ettercap filter"
"16-Share files [local lan]"
"17-Sniff target browser pics"
"18-Sniff SSL login passwords"
d. delete lock folders
a. about netool
u. check for updates
c. config toolkit
db. access database
q. quit