Little exercise

Hello, this is an interview exercise for GroupWallet.

This is a simple Flutter application that stores groups and their balances.

The app contains:

  1. Groups page (where users could add new groups)
  2. Group details page (where users could update group's balance)


The task is pretty simple: you have to update app to add "history" functionality.

  1. Store info when user creates expenses or incomes (I have prepared Transactions database table for you)
  2. Display this data somewhere (your decision will it be a new page or you will display it inside group details page)
  3. User should be able to edit amount for existed transaction (either from another page or by displaying dialog or whatever you decide, the main thing is that amount of transaction should be updated)
  • Notice that group's balance should be equal to sum of all transactions
  • Feel free to update/change existing code if you need/want to
  • UI is not important for this task


Create a fork of this repository. Whenever you are done, just send me a link to your fork by email.

If you have any questions: