Mobile Flashcards - Project 3 for Udacity React Nanodegree

This is the project for Udacity's React & Redux course. It shows my skills in developing mobile applications using framework React Native.

Mobile Flashcards is a React Native application that allows users to create decks of flashcard questions, and then take quizes with the created decks.


  • Create decks
  • Delete desks (on the main screen by long pressing on the selected board)
  • Add cards to deck
  • Run quiz on each deck to challenge yourself
  • Get daily reminders if you forget to take quizes
  • Runs on iOS and Android

Install and run

Follow these simple steps to install and run this application on your machine:

  • clone this repository to your machine
  • install all project dependencies with npm install or yarn within the newly created directory
  • start the server with npm start or yarn start
  • download the Expo app on your smartphone to play with it or simply run the app on a simulator (iOS or Android)


Application has been tested for:

  1. Android with Expo on Android Studio Emulator
  2. Android with OnePlus 3T phone
  3. IOs with Expo on Xcode Iphone Emulator

Technologies Used

  1. React Native (Create React Native App)
  2. React Redux
  3. Expo
  4. React Navigation (v. 2.18)
  5. Styled Components (v. 3.4.10)