
Inputs and activates Windows product key by a running .exe derived from a .ps1, then deletes all traces.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Inputs and activates Windows product key by a running .exe derived from a .ps1, then deletes all traces.

Inputs and activates Windows product key by a running .exe derived from a .ps1, then deletes all traces.
NOTE:This Script is dependent on turning this .ps1 into a .exe by PS2EXE-GUI

  1. Inputs a Windows Product Key and supresses output.
  2. Activates Product Key.
  3. Creates a .bat file to delete the .exe and itself (.bat suicide)
  4. No traces

PS2EXE-GUI: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/PS2EXE-GUI-Convert-e7cb69d5

You can modify this script to do other commands besides windows activation, the core of it is being able to delete a running .exe that dervied from a .ps1

Author: Robert Antenorcruz
Github: https://mrrob0to.github.io/
Twitter: mrRob0to