
This repository contains only processing charts based on latest Betaflight (4.3) version

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Betaflight Processing & workflow charts / diagrams

This repository contain only processing charts and some additional documents (mostly written in German) for We try to update this charts and overviews as soon as possible if a new betaflight release is available

For German readers I recommend to visit Betaflight.de

4.3 Branch

To get the latest processing & signal workflow diagram, please change to the 4.3 branch.

Note: This version contains links for parameters and for release notes. To work with this links, open the diagram as svg in an own tab in your browser. If you click on a link you jump directly to an appropriate BF-wiki pages.

Currently the master branch contains only the latest 4.2 information

Betaflight 4.3

Special Thanks

Thanks to @hdavid (mots#4841) , he did a lot of re-engineering of the diagram.

BF 4.3 latest graph version (based on BF 4.3)

Version Date Comment
0.15.3 03.09.2022 release note layer always same color ...
0.15.2 02.09.2022 layer, new release notes layer, some beautification, ...
0.15.1 31.08.2022 some improvements (pid_sum), typos, rpm_filter, ...
0.15.0 29.08.2022 initial changes for BF 4.3
0.14b 13.10.2020 layout fixes - only in draw.io file
0.14a 12.10.2020 small enhancements - only in draw.io file
0.14 11.10.2020 insert helpful links to BF-Wiki pages
0.13 17.08.2020 parameter adjustments, feedforward 2.0
0.12 15.08.2020 included layers and some corrections and an additional light version (as layer) is available
0.11 13.08.2020 included layers and some corrections and an additional light version (as layer) is available
0.10 12.08.2020 current version as beta1


Up from Version V0.11 layers are included and usable with the HTML version. To work with the layers, download html file and open with your favorite browser. If your move around with your mouse a pop up toolbox appers at the top with an layer icon. At least you have to select ONE layer, if all layers are deactivated you have no chance to reactave accept reloading document ;-)

Layers are not available on PDF-Files

Online editor for drawio files: https://app.diagrams.net/

Rund um Betaflight in Deutsch

Eine Reihe von Artikeln von mir findet ihr auch unter Betaflight.de