
Very simple html builder

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple html builder for js

npm i simple-html-builder

Each html tag has two functions, eg: using p tag:

const html = new HtmlBuilder();

html.p(); // this function stack p tag and resolve on the build function

html.innerp(); // this function auto build and close the p tag

For tag functions you can pass 3 args:

  • attributes (Object) => here you can set all params to you tag like class, style and key

  • innerContent (String) => here you can set the inner text for this tag

  • options (Object) => Only option is a boolean for close. When set this to true this tag is closed immediately and not respect the stack of tags. (works only for non "inner" functions)

For build simple html string:

const HtmlBuilder = require('../index.js');

const html = new HtmlBuilder()
    .div({ class: 'test' })
    .p({}, 'test')



//<div class="test"><p>test</p></div>

For build html with inner tags with custom params like class and styles.

const HtmlBuilder = require('../index.js');

const html = new HtmlBuilderhtmlBuilder()
              { class: 'column' },
              htmlBuilder.innerp({ class: 'larger' }, 'date'),
              { close: true }
              { class: 'column' },
                { style: 'text-align: center;' },
                  width: '23',
                  src: 'src',
                style: 'margin: 5px 0; text-align: center;',
                { class: 'link', href: 'test' },
              { close: true }


//output (formatted)

   <td class="column">
      <p class="larger">date</p>
   <td class="column">
      <div style="text-align: center;"><img width="23" src="src"></img></div>
      <p style="margin: 5px 0; text-align: center;"><a class="link" href="test">test</a></p>