
Calculate area of Mandlebrot in parallel by OpemMP and MPI.

Primary LanguageC

Calculate area of Mandlebrot in parallel by OpemMP and MPI.

mpicc -> sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev

To run only openMP file

  • Compile with fopenmp flag
    mpicc OpenMpVersion.c -o mp -fopenmp
  • Run

To run only MPI file

  • Compile with mpicc compiler
    mpicc MPIVersion.c -o mpi
  • Run
    mpirun -np <# of processes per node> mpi

To run only openMP/MPI file

  • Compile with mpicc compiler
    mpicc MPIOpenMPVersion.c -o mpiopenmp -fopenmp
  • Run
    mpirun -np <# of processes per node> mpiopenmp