
Minimalistic IoC/DI container for TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

IoC/DI container for TypeScript

Minimalistic IoC/DI container for TypeScript without dependencies which does exactly what it should and not more. Proof of concept that IoC/DI container implementation can be that simple.

Out-of-the-box it can only provide you with singleton or everytime-new instances of any class. In case you need something more complex you can register a custom resolver.

Doesn't support primitive values. Because it shouldn't.

Doesn't support TypeScript interface and type. Actually there are no libraries supporting them since types and interfaces are ephemeral build time entities and they just don't exist in runtime.

Integrates smoothly to Vue.js 2/3 projects with vue-class-component or composition API.

How to use

npm i mini-ioc

If you want to resolve classes automatically, you have 2 options.

  1. Use decorators with type metadata
    • Install reflect-metadata to be able to pass type information about constructor arguments and properties to runtime
    • Add import 'reflect-metadata' to the entry point of your application to make TypeScript provide decorated entities with reflection metadata
    • Configure TypeScript to support decorators and runtime type metadata with flags compilerOptions.experimentalDecorators = true and compilerOptions.emitDecoratorMetadata = true in your tsconfig.json
  2. Use inject function. It is available within a class constructor and can be used to resolve dependencies without metadata provided by decorators.

Then you can use an IOC container like this:

import { Resolvable } from "mini-ioc";

// Any class you are going to resolve with container should be decorated with Resolvable...
class SomeClass {}

class SomeOtherClass {
	public constructor(
		// Constructor arguments will be resolved by a container automatically based on metadata
		public someInstance: SomeClass

// ...or use `inject` instead
import { inject } from "mini-ioc";

class SomeClass {}

class SomeOtherClass {
	public constructor(
		// Constructor arguments will be resolved by the inject function on constructor call
		public someInstance = inject(SomeClass)

import Container from "mini-ioc";

// Container instance
const container = new Container();

// Resolve class as a single instance every time (like singleton)
const single = container.get(SomeOtherClass);
console.log(single === container.get(SomeOtherClass)); // true

// Resolve a fresh class instance
const newInstance = container.create(SomeOtherClass);
console.log(single === newInstance); // false

// Constructor arguments are resolved automatically as single instances with container.get
console.log(single.someInstance === newInstance.someInstance); // true

You can provide any subclass to create a class instance from.

import Container, { Resolvable } from "mini-ioc";

abstract class BaseClass {}
class SubClass extends BaseClass {}

const container = new Container();

// Bind abstract class to its implementation
container.bind(BaseClass, SubClass);

console.log(container.get(BaseClass) instanceof SubClass); // true

You can completely override default behavior for a class instance creation.

import Container from "mini-ioc";

abstract class BaseClass {}

class SubClass extends BaseClass {
	protected field!: string;

	public static function makeInstance() {
		const instance = new SubClass();
		instance.field = "Hello there";
		return instance;

const container = new Container();

// Register custom function as a resolver for BaseClass
// Mind that you don't have to use Resolvable decorator nor `inject` for custom resolvers.
// Helpful for third-party libraries.
container.registerResolver(BaseClass, (classCtor, container) => SubClass.makeInstance());

// Make instance using default resolving behavior and add some initialization logic.
container.registerResolver(BaseClass, (classCtor, container) => {
	const instance = new SubClass(...container.getResolvedArguments(SubClass));
	return instance;

console.log(container.get(BaseClass) instanceof SubClass); // true

Vue.js support

npm i mini-ioc mini-ioc-vue

To make things work in Vue.js components you should register mini-ioc container in app root provide:

import Container from "mini-ioc";
import { injectKey } from "mini-ioc-vue";

const container = new Container();

// configure container bindings here

// for Vue 2
import Vue from "vue";

const app = new Vue({
	provide: {
		[injectKey]: container,

// for Vue 3
import { createApp } from "vue";

const app = createApp();
app.provide(injectKey, container);

Vue 3 options API (Vue 2 support is limited)

Resolving will work for both Vue 2 and 3, but typing will be available only for Vue 3 with defineComponent.

import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import { injectMixin, computedResolver } from "mini-ioc-vue";
import SomeClass from "./anywhere";

	mixins: [injectMixin],
	computed: {
		// resolve as a singleton (container.get)
		someInstance: computedResolver(SomeClass),
		// resolve as an everytime-new instance (container.create)
		freshSomeInstance: computedResolver(SomeClass, true),

Vue 3 composition API (or Vue 2 + @vue/composition-api)

First you should provide additional type information for inject somewhere in .d.ts file within your project (src/mini-ioc.d.ts for example).

Library itself could provide that too but in this case it will only support one of Vue 2 + @vue/composition-api or Vue 3. So some manual actions here are the compromise to support both. Sorry for the inconvenience :)

declare module 'mini-ioc-vue' {
	import type Container from 'mini-ioc';
	import type { InjectionKey } from 'vue'; // for Vue 3
	// import type { InjectionKey } from '@vue/composition-api'; // for Vue 2

	export const injectKey: InjectionKey<Container>;
import { defineComponent, inject } from "vue";
import { injectKey } from "mini-ioc-vue";
import SomeClass from "./anywhere";

	setup() {
		const container = inject(injectKey);
		if (!container) throw new Error("No container - no component, pal. Come back when have one.");
		const someInstance = container.get(SomeClass);
		const freshSomeInstance = container.create(SomeClass);

Vue 2/3 + vue-class-component

npm i mini-ioc mini-ioc-vue mini-ioc-vue-class

Decorators are using computedResolver under-the-hood so the result is the same as using options API.

import { Inject, InjectNew } from "mini-ioc-vue-class";
import SomeClass from "./anywhere";

class MyComponent {
	// resolve as a singleton (container.get)
	someInstance!: SomeClass;

	// resolve as an everytime-new instance (container.create)
	freshSomeInstance!: SomeClass;