
Animate scroll in a flexible, user-friendly, simple and modern way

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Animate scroll in a flexible, user-friendly, simple and modern way.

Install with npm i transcroll.


import transcroll, { easings } from 'transcroll';

// animate to an element

// animate to an element by selector string

// animate to position

// configuration options and default values
transcroll(whatever, {
	// scrollable container element
	el: window,

	// target position offset
	offset: 0,

	// scrolling axis, 'x' or 'y'
	axis: 'y',

	// animation duration
	duration: 200,

	// transition easing function, can be a function or a string with an easings object key
	easing: easings.easeInQuad,

	// jump factor or false to disable (more information below)
	jump: 2,

	// immediately stop animation if user uses a mousewheel
	interrupt: true

// do something on animation end
	// animation started after "jump" is triggered
	// animation was interrupted by user
}) => doSomething());

// same with async/await
const asyncTranscroll = async () => {
	const { jumped, interrupted } = await transcroll(whatever);

Jump factor

jump argument is used to calculate a threshold value which is used to prevent animating too big distances in a short period of time.

threshold = duration * jumpFactor

You can feel same behavior in the Telegram application when trying to scroll to the last message in a chat after scrolling back to some old messages about 4-5 screens.