In the wake of the unpredictable future of User Defined Types (UDT), this is a hasty minimalist re-implementation of the spark-gdb project, in such that the content of a File GeoDatabase can be mapped to a read-only Spark DataFrame. It is minimalist as it only supports features with simple geometries (for now :-) with no M or Z.
In the previous implementation, a GeometryType
was defined using the UDT framework. However in this implementation, points are stored in a field with two sub-fields x and y. Polylines and polygons are stored as a string in the Esri JSON format. It is not the most efficient format, but will make the interoperability with the ArcGIS API for Python a bit seamless. Polylines and Polygons shapes are stored as two sub fields, parts
and coords
. Parts is an array of integers, where the values are the number of points in the part. Coords is an array of doubles, where the values are a sequence of x,y pairs.
- This implementation does not support compressed file geo databases.
- It is HIGHLY recommended to create a fully compacted feature class before using this implementation.
- The best way to create a compacted feature class is to copy the edited feature class to a new feature class.
- Date field is a timestamp with UTC timezone.
- Sep 10, 2021, Version 0.41 is a breaking change in the
Building the project using Maven:
mvn clean install
The best demonstration of the usage of this implementation is with PySpark DataFrames and in conjunction with the ArcGIS API for Python.
Create a Python 3 conda environment:
conda remove --yes --all --name py36
conda create --yes -n py36 -c conda-forge python=3.6 openjdk=8 findspark py4j
conda create --name arcgis python=3.6
conda activate arcgis
conda install -c esri arcgis
conda install matplotlib
Assuming that the environment variable SPARK_HOME
points to the location of a Spark installation, start a Jupyter notebook that is backed by PySpark:
export PATH=${SPARK_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=$(hostname)
export GDB_MIN=2.11 # Spark 2.3
# export GDB_MIN=2.12 # Spark 2.4
export GDB_VER=0.18
--master local[*]\
--num-executors 1\
--driver-memory 16G\
--executor-memory 16G\
--packages com.esri:webmercator_${GDB_MIN}:1.4,com.esri:filegdb_${GDB_MIN}:${GDB_VER}
Check out the Broadcast and Countries example notebooks.
Here is yet another example in Scala:
import com.esri.gdb._
val path = "World.gdb"
val name = "Countries"
val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
.gdb(path, name)
.sql(s"select CNTRY_NAME,SQKM from $name where SQKM < 10000.0 ORDER BY SQKM DESC LIMIT 10")
- Write test cases. Come on Mansour, u know better !!
Save geometry as a struct(type,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,parts,coords)- Add option to skip reading the geometry.
- Add option to return geometry envelope only.
- Add option to return timestamp field as millis long.
- Read geometry as WKB.
- Add geometry extent as subfields to
- Install JDK-1.8
- Set path to %JAVA_HOME%\bin,%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin
- keytool -import -alias cacerts -keystore cacerts -file C:\Windows\System32\documentdbemulatorcert.cer