This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
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VAudience test app Fitness app for working exercises with flutter without any special package. We have 4 pages:
- Welcome Page (loading app and preparing data)
- Configuration Page (Motivation quote and inserting number of sequences how many durations are for working sequence and how many duration is for break sequence and user is able to start app)
- Working Page (Show you time and countdown in seconds and show are you on working or break sequence and which one sequence is in progress you are able to start or stop your timer, showing you in round one working one break interval)
- Done Page (you have DONE message and you can go again on Configuration page and start new session) Tasks from document:
- User is able to insert :- number of training intervals, - duration of each training interval, - duration of each break interval
- User is then able to start the training session.
- A timer counts down the remaining time (in seconds) during any interval.
- Each training session can be paused/resumed and stopped.
- Please make sure the user of the app is able to differentiate between training and break intervals by using different background colors for example.
- Above the timer the app should display the training interval/round number he/she is currently in.
- Displayed motivation message Using last version of flutter and all packages is ‘homemade’ you have icons for all versions of device and I show you how I work with components, gradient, assets and other stuff. You have restrictions on app and if you dont input a numbers you will get modal with message and you couldn't proceed to next page.