
This repo is a container for some samples using RXJAVA2 samples

Primary LanguageJava


This repo is a container for some samples using RxJava2.This repo have the following packages

Samples: This package has example that shows installed apps in your device in list with name and image for each app.This package have many activities each one has operator concept.

Timing: This package has implementation for splash screen using Timer operator and also another activity that shows the using of timer and interval operators

Networking: This package has example shows my repos on github on list with rety option for failed request and Request state Like IDLE,LOADING,ERROR,COMPLETED using BehaviorSubject

Caching: This package has example shows my bio update using Room data base with RxJava

How to run the samples

I used the package style per feature so for instance you will find under networking package all related activities with awesome concepts.So to test certain concept add the activity refrence in AndroidManifest.xml

Used Libraries

  • RxJava2
  • Retrofit
  • GSON
  • ButterKnife
  • Android Architecture Components


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