This is the third public release of the fast multi-particle (FMPS) solver. Date: April 13, 2012 Version 3.0 %% Copyright (C) 2010-2012: Leslie Greengard and Zydrunas Gimbutas %% Contact: %% %% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or %% (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in %% the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without %% even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A %% PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more %% details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public %% License along with this program; %% if not, see <>. %% examples/fmps-3.0-mi - contributed by Maxim Ignatenko (KSU) fmps/ - Fast multiparticle EM solver: matlab scripts and mex files muller/ - Muller solver: evaluate the scattering matrix for a single particle examples/ - testing drivers and scripts for the FMPS solver examples/fmps-3.0-mi - alternative testing drivers and scripts examples/mie - Mie scattering tests examples/aqctri - triangulation library examples/iterate - iterative solver library src/ - Fortran source code contrib/mwrap-0.33.3/ - mwrap source code Matlab ====== % FMPS - Fast multiparticle scattering in R^3. % % EM multiparticle scattering in R^3. % fmps - EM multiparticle scattering solver. % fmps_scan - EM multiparticle scattering solver, frequency scan. % fmps_b - EM multiparticle scattering solver (+big sphere). % gold_jc_data - Johnson-Christy gold parameters. % % EM multiparticle scattering in R^3. Postprocessors. % fmps_post_geom - Plot inclusions and enclosing spheres. % fmps_post_far - Plot the far field signature. % fmps_post_field - Plot the total and incoming E fields on all spheres. % % Matrix multiplication routines. % em3d_multa_fmps - EM multisphere solver main multiplication routine. % em3d_multa_mpta - EM multipole to local translation routine (Matlab+F90). % em3d_multa_mptaf90 - EM multipole to local translation routine (F90). % em3d_multa_mptafmm - EM multipole to local translation routine (FMM). % em3d_multa_r - Apply reflection matrices. % em3d_multa_mpta_b - EM multipole to local translation (+big sphere). % % Reflection coefficient evaluation routines. % rcoefs_die_arb - Reflection coefficients for a dielectric sphere. % rcoefs_pec - Reflection coefficients for a PEC sphere. % rcoefs_pmc - Reflection coefficients for a PMC sphere. % rmatr_diag - Construct the diagonally scaled reflection matrix. % rmatr_file - Retrieve the reflection matrix from a file. % rcoefs_die_arb_coated - Reflection coefficients for a coated sphere. % rcoefs_pec_coated - Reflection coefficients for a coated PEC sphere. % % Reflection and transmission coefficient for a dielectric sphere. % rcoefs_die_arb21 - Reflection coefficients for incoming wave. % rcoefs_die_arb12 - Reflection coefficients for outgoing wave. % tcoefs_die_arb21 - Transmission coefficients for incoming wave. % tcoefs_die_arb12 - Transmission coefficients for outgoing wave. % % FMPS solver library functions. % e3fgrid - Construct a spherical grid in R^3. % get_e3fgrid - Construct a spherical grid structure in R^3. % get_e3fgrid_trunc - Construct a truncated spherical grid in R^3. % % em3ehformmp - Form EM multipole from E,H values on a spherical grid. % em3ehformta - Form EM local multipole from E,H values on a spherical grid. % em3mpevaleh - Evaluate EM multipole on a spherical grid. % em3taevaleh - Evaluate EM local multipole on a spherical grid. % em3mpfareh - Evaluate the far field signature of the outgoing EM multipole. % % em3linsph - Convert multipole expansion from linear format into unrolled. % em3sphlin - Convert multipole expansion from unrolled format into linear. % % em3mpmp3 - Apply EM multipole to multipole translation operator. % em3mpta3 - Apply EM multipole to local translation operator. % em3tata3 - Apply EM local to local translation operator. % % em3mpmp3_trunc - Apply EM multipole to multipole translation operator. % em3tata3_trunc - Apply EM local to local translation operator. % % green3e - Evaluate the dyadic electric Green's function (Matlab). % green3m - Evaluate the dyadic magnetic Green's function (Matlab). % em3dipole3et - Evaluate E and H fields due to the electric dipole (Matlab). % em3dipole3mt - Evaluate E and H fields due to the magnetic dipole (Matlab). % dipole3et - Evaluate E and H fields due to the electric dipole (F90). % dipole3mt - Evaluate E and H fields due to the magnetic dipole (F90). % % emhevalrt - Spherical Bessel h functions (F90). % emjevalrt - Spherical Bessel j functions (F90). % em3hevalrt - Spherical Bessel h functions (Matlab). % em3jevalrt - Spherical Bessel j functions (Matlab). % % em3d_mpole_targeval - Evaluate EM multipoles at a collection of targets. % em3d_planearb_targeval - Evaluate an arbitrary plane wave at the targets. % empol - Evaluate electric polarization and magnetization vectors (single). % empolms - Evaluate electric polarization and magnetization vectors. % % em3formmp - Form the outgoing EM multipole expansion. % em3formta - Form the incoming EM multipole expansion. % em3mpeval - Evaluate outgoing EM multipole expansion at a single target. % em3taeval - Evaluete incoming EM multipole expansion at a single target. % % Euler angles and orientation. % rotangles - Construct Euler angles for standard orientation types. % em3orient - Convert Euler angles into orientation frames. % em3euler - Reconstruct Euler angles from a rotation matrix. % em3euler_alt - Alternative representation of Euler angles. % % Spherical expansion rotation routines. % emabrotaf - Apply forward rotation operator to EM multipole. % emabrotab - Apply inverse rotation operator to EM multipole. % rotviarecur - Apply rotation matrix about y-axis, recurrence scheme. % rotproj - Apply rotation matrix about y-axis, projection scheme. % rotprojvar - Apply truncated rotation matrix about y-axis (projection). % % Triangulations. % atriread - Retrieve Cart3d triangulation from a file. % atriwrite - Store Cart3d triangulation to a file. % atriproc - Process triangulations in Cart3d format. % % Iterative methods. % gmres_simple - GMRES algorithm. % gmres_restart - GMRES algorithm with restarts. % gmres_cycle - GMRES algorithm with cyclic restarts. % bicgstab_simple - BiCG(stab) algorithm. % congr_simple - Conjugate gradients algorithm. % % Test and debugging routines. % test_die_arb - Reflection coefficients for a dielectric sphere. % test_pec - Reflection coefficients for a PEC sphere. % test_pmc - Reflection coefficients for a PMC sphere. % test_gold_sphere - Reflection coefficients for a gold sphere. % test_rmatr_diag - Reflection coefficients for a dielectric sphere. % test_rmatr_file - Retrieve reflection coefficients for an inclusion. % fmps_prini - Initialize internal printing/debugging routines. % plot_geometry - Retrieve and plot a Cart3D triangulation. % plot_inclusions - Plot all inclusions. % plot_spheres - Plot all enclosing spheres. % fmps_b_test1 - Test fmps_b solver for one sphere only. % fmps_b_test1post - Compare the output of fmps_b_test1 to exact solution. % test1 - Test dipole3et, em3formmp and em3mpeval. % test2 - Test dipole3et, em3formta and em3taeval. % test3 - Test em3mpta3. % test4 - Test dipole3et, em3formta and em3taeval for a big sphere. % test5 - Test the impedance factor, reflection and trasmission coeffients. % test6 - Shift local expansion for a dielectric sphere. % test7 - Shift local and mulitpole expansions for a dielectric sphere. %