
A toggleable scratchpad with support for multiple windows.

Primary LanguageShell


A scratchpad for bspwm. Can be easily edited to support any WM.

What is a scratchpad?

A scratchpad is a feature or utility that provides a quick and accessible space for temporary notes, calculations, or other quick information.

This script lets you store a window(s) to a toggleable desktop in bspwm, so you can quickly access them.


  • xdotool
  • bspwm (default, customize the script to match your WM)


There are 3 scripts:

  1. scratchpad (Single window)
# Add the focused window to scratchpad if a window doesn't already exist:

# To toggle show/hide the window in scratchpad:

# To remove the window from the scratchpad
# 1. Kill the window
# 2. Delete .cache
  1. scratchpad-tiles (Multi-window)
    scratchpad-tiles [CONFIG]       Toggle the scratchpad

    save [CONFIG]                   Save the current layout to the given config
    edit [CONFIG]                   Edit the given config

The default config location is ~/.config/scratchpad/mainrc
  1. scrachpad-global-toggle (Multi-window)

Helper script that toggles visibility of multiple scratchpad windows. Any window that is marked as sticky is considered as a scratchpad window.

This is basically a simplified scratchpad-tiles with no config file and program launching.

scrachpad-global-toggle # Toggle visibility of sticky windows