
Salesforce API Postman Collection

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Salesforce APIs for Postman

A Postman collection of ~200 requests for 10 Salesforce APIs:

  • Auth
  • Bulk (V1 & V2)
  • Async Query
  • Rest
  • UI
  • Tooling
  • Metadata
  • Composite
  • Chatter

Postman screenshot

Learn more about the Collection:


  1. Download the latest Postman collection or go to previous releases. The collection comes as a salesforce-apis.postman_export.json file.

  2. Import it in Postman.

Get started

  1. Clone the "Salesforce Template" Postman environment. Never customize the template directly! Always clone it and link the environment created to the target Sandbox, Trailhead Playground (TP), Developer Edition (DE) or production org.
  2. Edit the environment and fill in these variables:
    • url (login, test or mydomain)
    • username
    • password (+ security token if required)
  3. Use your preferred authentication method (SOAP login is very convenient). This automatically fills the endpoint url and access token environment variables for subsequent API calls.
  4. Use any of the API endpoints from the collection.
    Note: some APIs are just boilerplates (ex : UI API), you need to copy them and customize them (uri + get parameters) according to your need.

Postman Architecture

Template Environnement

Salesforce template environment meant to be duplicated for each of your environment. Do not modify it directly Environment variable have been designed to be used by the API \endpoint in order to :

  • Store values from call result (access token, job id, refresh token, etc)
  • Use values as variable in call (url, endpoint, access token, username, password, etc) Postman "Tests" feature is used to parse query result and store environment variables

Salesforce Preset

Predefine header presets meant to be used when creating new API from scratch. Allow to have the Authorization header prefilled with the right syntax and environment variable Use it when you need to create a new API call from scratch.

Salesforce Collection

Salesforce APIs Postman Collection Name of the endpoint and its description are taken from the Salesforce documentations. Collections use environment variable in order to partition the variable content per env and easily switch between environment


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