Purpose of the app
The rest api that helps with playing chess. It retrieves the available moves for the current position for chess figures and also checks if the move for specific figure is valid. We assume that the board is empty and the single figure is on the board, and also that we play white figures.
Assumption: if we put the pawn on the first row from the bottom, there are no moves for the pawn. We do not consider the attacking moves as well.
The application might be extended, so it has both black and white figures and can imitate the actual game of chess.
How to set up the application
Setting up the virtual environment
Make sure that you have virtual environment enabled
You can create one using Pycharm by going into File -> Settings -> Project: chess_restapi -> Python Interpreter -> Add (settings icon)
Creating python environment from terminal
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
If you had any problems creating the virtual environment refer to this link -> Virtual Environments Python
Then you can install the project dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Project with docker-compose
Build the docker image and spin it in the detached mode:
docker-compose up -d --build
This will build the api_chess service
You can access the api documentation using SWAGGER UI here API DOCUMENTATION SWAGGER. You will be able to test there endpoints, see the schemas for the responses.
Linting using flake8 and docker image
docker-compose exec api_chess flake8 --max-line-length=88
Refactoring using black
docker-compose exec api_chess black .
To check with type checker mypy
mypy .
To test using pytest run
All tests are in the backend/src/tests folder
docker-compose exec api_chess python -m pytest "src/tests" -p no:warnings
Alternatively you can see the html coverage report of the pytest running
docker-compose exec api_chess python -m pytest "src/tests" -p "no:warnings" --cov="src" --cov-report html
google-chrome backend/htmlcov/index.html
Alternative option to run the project without Docker
Install the dependencies in the python virtual environment and activate it, follow the steps from above.
python backend/
Then access the doc route for api documentation
To install By installing the requirements for the project pre-commit will also be installed.
You can double-check if it is installed by pre-commit --version
You can always refer to Pre-commit documentation for any help. The config file for pre-commit is in root folder pre-commit-config.yaml file.
It will run on your commits, but you can also use pre-commit run --all-files
It consists of some checks and reformatting tools. It might change the code that you have added,
so you can apply changes and commit them to the codebase.