
Pop up macOS alerts from an AWS Simple Queue Service

Primary LanguagePython


sqs-alerts is a service for macOS that monitors an AWS Simple Queue Services (SQS) queue and pops up an alert for each message received.

Good for building simple monitoring systems. See e.g. examples/check_jobs.py.


  • Set up an SQS queue.
  • Install Boto (pip install boto3) and configure AWS credentials under a profile sqs_alerts.
  • Edit QUEUE_URL in alerts_from_sqs.py, then install the script somewhere permanent on your filesystem (e.g. ~/.local/bin).
  • Edit INSTALLPATH in alerts_from_sqs.plist to specify where you installed it. Then set the script to load on boot with launchctl load .local/bin/alerts_from_sqs.plist.

Test by sending a message manually with something like:

$ aws --profile sqs_alerts sqs send-message --queue-url QUEUE_URL --message-body test --message-group-id 0 --message-deduplication-id 0