
node-mongo plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript


node-mongo plugin

Documentation : This is Node Plugin for connecting with mongoDB

Defaultly this plugin connects to local mongoDB path "mongodb://localhost:27017", to change it specify full path while connecting to DB

mongoPg.setCollection - set a default collection in case we are working with single collection but is ineffective if we specify collection names during operations , mongoPg.setCollection("defalutCollectionName")

mongoPg.newCollection - create a blank collection , mongoPg.newCollection("newCollectionName")

mongoPgn.add - Add to the collections and create a collections and add it, if the collection is not present, mongoPgn.add("collectionName",{data},callback(optional)) - note: "collectionName" can be ignored if defaultCollections name si specified

mongoPgn.addBulk - Bulk upload a set of data into DB, mongoPgn.addBulk("collectionName",[{data}],callback(optional))

mongoPgn.search - search functionality mongoPgn.search("collectionName","searchQuery",callback(optional)) - searchQuery can be custom query other than defult search provided(in development)