A configurable server for mocking/stubbing external systems during development.
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Reply 404 whenever no body and file not found
#96 opened by rstriquer - 0
- 0
Comma separated query string implementation not delivering the desired payload
#93 opened by sanathko - 0
Query parameter matching issue
#92 opened by olivierodo - 5
Feature request: load multiple data files
#69 opened by gurobokum - 1
[NPM AUDIT] Denial of Service - node-static
#91 opened by calarconpieriz - 0
Disable TLS and/or admin via command line
#90 opened by rfalke - 2
Multiple header Set-Cookie in response headers
#88 opened by zrjosser - 3
[Admin] DELETE endpoint clear all stubs
#75 opened by marcoslimagon - 1
Option to disable colorised output
#58 opened by mikeparker - 9
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- 1
Feature request: Log unmatched fields and Fail with 400 instead of 404 when endpoint matches but payload doesn't
#79 opened by marcoaam - 2
Support for handling all live requests?
#80 opened by tgabre - 2
Attribute name with brackets - Error 404
#81 opened by Lukeneo12 - 0
Stubby.start to watch for all param changes
#77 opened by knomdlo - 2
- 0
stubby seems to fail without error messages
#74 opened by cicely-f - 0
Failing tests
#73 opened by michaelpapworth - 4
error: string.replace is not a function
#62 opened by antoncic - 1
Refresh functionality
#72 opened by RobinSmit - 1 typo
#70 opened by matevsur - 5
Default file?
#68 opened by ValeryIvanov - 1
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Log incoming/outgoing requests
#61 opened by ValeryIvanov - 1
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Option to set a limit of requests allowed
#60 opened by michalstocki - 4
- 0
json request with regex
#59 opened by paulhhowells - 4
TypeError: Path must be a string. Received null
#56 opened by ryuichi7 - 4
Node6 got Path must be a string error.
#57 opened by greengerong - 0
Handle Bearer OAuth Tokens in Authorization header
#50 opened by Amwam - 0
Add JSON comprehension
#53 opened by jj4th - 1
The order or the parameters have more influence?
#48 opened by uhtred - 1
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match against parameters
#40 opened by alex-moreno - 4
Optional query parameters
#43 opened by Droogans - 1
global latency
#41 opened by codeorganic - 4
soap envelopes
#38 opened by alex-moreno - 2
Switch based on request body
#37 opened by atwright147 - 4
Support pass options for create server
#34 opened by felipegs - 5
Support glob patterns in CLI flags
#29 opened by h2non - 2
- 1
Crashes when accessing localhost:8889 via GET
#30 opened by murphyj - 3
Create logging module
#27 opened by esco - 10
Serve different JSON to queryParam endpoint
#15 opened by toddmotto