
Docker-spring-boot-gradle Skeleton

Primary LanguageJava


Docker-spring-boot-gradle Skeleton

Refresh Gradle Dependencies

./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies -x test

Build Your Gradle Project

gradle build -x test

Run 'buildDocker' task defined in build.gradle

gradle buildDocker -x test

List Docker Images to see if the newly built image is added

docker images

Run the image in a container

(7c45ceab4331 is the image id) docker run -it 7c45ceab4331 /bin/bash

In case if the above didn't work

(7c45ceab4331 is the image id) docker run -it 7c45ceab433

Get Status of Running Containers

docker ps

Get Status of Running Containers

(61a4b41e4c2e is the id of container not image) docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' 61a4b41e4c2e

Deleting the image (7c45ceab4331 is the image id)

docker rmi 7c45ceab4331

In case if you are deploying a war inside a tomcat image

(37f264a0f40f is the container id) docker cp /home/rakhu/Desktop/sample.war 37f264a0f40f:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps