
Recaptcha for Laravel 4

Primary LanguagePHP

What is ReCaptcha


add tenowg/recaptcha to your requirements in composer.json

"require": {
    "tenowg/recaptcha": "1.0.*"

Don't forget to composer update


Recaptcha is completely self supporting, other than needing Laravel 4 there are no other requirements.


You will need to create a ReCaptcha Account on Google Recaptcha Once you have your public and private keys generated, you can finish setting up reCaptcha.

php artisan config:publish tenowg/recaptcha

This will export the config file to app/config/packages/tenowg/recaptcha as config.php edit this file and enter the required information. (public and private keys)

Thats it, and you are ready to rock... simple.


Using Recaptcha couldn't be easier, just use some of the methods below and you will be all set.

Generating Recaptcha

Simply call reCaptcha::display() where you wish to display the recaptcha form. This should always be in your form.

{{ Form::open(blah) }}
	{{ reCaptcha::display() }}
{{ Form::close() }}

Verifying Recaptcha

Verifying the recaptcha is "Almost automatic", you can either use validation methods, or filters.


Controller filter in __construct()

$this->beforeFilter('recaptcha', array('only' => array('postForm')));


Using the Validator

$rules = array(
    'recaptcha_response_field' => 'required|recaptcha:' . Input::get('recaptcha_challenge_field')

