
Export Ecobee metrics for Prometheus

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ecobee Prometheus Exporter


You will need a developer account from ecobee and need to generate an API key. Follow the documentation from ecobee to create an account and generate an API key. Create an app and use the ecobee PIN authorization method.


Install ecobee_exporter script:

> python setup.py install
> python setup.py install_scripts


> ecobee_exporter --api_key [your_api_key] --port [optional_port] --bind_address [optional_bind_address]

At first run, you will see a message to authorize the app with a PIN at https://www.ecobee.com/consumer/portal/index.html. The app will wait for 60 seconds for authorization. By default, this will begin serving metrics at http://localhost:9756

Docker Usage

To build:

> docker build -t ecobee_prometheus_exporter .

Or pull from Docker Hub:

> docker pull mrala/ecobee_prometheus_exporter


> docker run -it --rm -p 9756:9756 \
>   -e "APIKEY=<your_api_key>" \
>   -e "AUTH=/pyecobee_db.db" \
>   -v $(pwd)/pyecobee_db:/pyecobee_db \
>   --name ecobee_prometheus_exporter \
>   ecobee_prometheus_exporter


Based on ecobee_exporter by sbrudenell.