MSC in Artificial Intelligence and Kaggle Expert Interested in deep learning and creating projects while learning them.
mralamdari's Following
- TuroadHangzhou
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- LiheYoungThe University of Hong Kong
- gradio-appMountain View, CA
- EdjeElectronicsEJ Technology Consultants
- SkalskiP@roboflow
- openimages
- heartkilla@mc-digital, Mitsubishi Group
- theAIGuysCode
- pjreddie
- WongKinYiuIIS, Academia Sinica
- ultralyticsUnited States of America
- tqdm
- sinaraziSiemens Energy | FAU
- aladdinperssonStockholm
- sureshmurali@fastretailing
- pythonlessonsGP transco
- AlexeyABEx Intel
- RahmadSadliFrance
- pytorchwhere the eigens are valued
- keras-teamWorldwide
- tensorflow