A simple voice channel presence tracker for your Discord server.
This guide assumes you have a server that is configured with docker and git.
You will need to have a Discord app setup in the developer portal. Under the "Bot" part of the app you will find a token. This is your "bot token" take a note of it and keep it safe for later.
Next go to the OAuth2 page and go to the OAuth2 URL Generator. Select the bot
scope and under bot permissions select Send Messages
. Ensure Guild Install
is selected for the integration type. Now visit the generated URL and grant access for your bot to the server you want to monitor.
Run the following command to start the bot:
docker run -e DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=your_bot_token_here -e DISCORD_NOTIFY_CHANNEL=channel_id_to_notify --restart always -it --name goeff-bot ghcr.io/mramsden/goeff-bot:latest
The two environment variables are required in this command other options can be adjusted as required. You should now see the bot come online in your Discord. Join a voice channel on your server and you will see a message arrive.
To update to the latest version of the bot run:
docker pull ghcr.io/mramsden/goeff-bot:latest
Next stop the running bot and remove it:
docker stop goeff-bot && docker rm goeff-bot
Start it again using the usual command:
docker run -e DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=your_bot_token_here -e DISCORD_NOTIFY_CHANNEL=channel_id_to_notify --restart always -it --name goeff-bot ghcr.io/mramsden/goeff-bot:latest