
Getting up to speed with Cypress


Getting up to speed with Cypress

A cypress is an evergreen. If your tests stay ever green, you're golden.


As a Functional Testing tool, Cypress is relatively new but shows promise.

Now that web applications are increasingly reactive, front-end tests are important.

This has always been an area where good tools are lacking, so I was interested in Cypress. Specifically, it should help make Front-end Developers more Agile.

And of course the best way to learn something is to play with it.


Cypress is JavaScript-based which makes navigating a DOM straightforward. This may well obviate the need for HTML Parsing libraries such as Cheerio.

Cypress plays well with Mocha and Chai.

Browsers Supported

As contrasted with Selenium, browser support is more limited - as of November, 2020:

  1. Chrome
  2. Firefox
  3. Edge
  4. Electron
  5. Brave

[These are probably sufficient for most purposes.]


Cypress operates directly in the browser, however the browser may be invoked headlessly.


Being browser-based, it looks like Cypress can bypass some CORS limitations.

Fast, with no network lag

Unlike other tools, Cypress does not use a Selenium WebDriver. This should mean that Cypress testing is faster (no WebDriver ramp-up time needed), also no network lag.

Screen captures

Cypress records screen captures of failing tests.

Video record

Cypress records video of the tests (this video needs to be slowed-down quite a lot).

[In practice, this option seems like overkill and should be disabled.]


Cypress can interact with Electron applications (such as Postman and Cypress Test Runner).


For an example of running a Dockerized version of Cypress with Travis CI:


For an example of integrating CI (GitHub Actions) with a Vue app using Cypress:


To Do

  • Investigate adding Cypress test to a React app
  • Investigate adding Cypress test to a Vue app


Easy End-to-End Testing with Cypress:


Running a Docker version of Cypress on mac:



Running a Docker version of Cypress on linux:
