
Configurable Local DaemonSet

Configurable Local DaemonSet

A RESTful local daemonset (similiar to Kubernetes, but local).


All data is held in memory, all transfer is via JSON.


  • persists state to a local configuration file
  • uses daemon processes
  • linux-based

Why processes rather than goroutines or threads? For memory and durability reasons: process memory is safer than shared threadspace memory, and process crashes will be local whereas thread crashes will affect the entire process.


  • dep is required

This is the latest Go dependency manager (until vgo arrives).



$ brew install dep
$ brew upgrade dep

Install script:

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh

go get:

$ go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep

For further details on installing dep, please refer to the documentation.


  • Go is required (version 1.10 or later)

Fetch this project as follows:

$ go get -u github.com/mramshaw/colds

This could also be done with git of course:

$ git clone https://github.com/mramshaw/colds.git

Any dependencies will be fetched in the build process.

To Do

  • Investigate upgrading to gRPC or HTTP2