
Wordpress File Uplaod Exploits

Primary LanguagePerl

#Wordpress Bugs Auto Exploiter

  1. Pirtchprint & Evolve & Inboundio File Upload : Wp-3up.pl
  2. Satoshi Theme Exploiter : Satoshi.pl
  3. WP Reflex-Gallery File Upload Exploiter : Reflex_Gallery.pl
  4. DesignFolio Theme File Upload Exploiter : designfolio.pl
  5. QAEngine Theme RCE : qaengine.pl
  6. QAEngine Theme RCE + Fork : qaengine_2.pl
  7. WP hd-webplayer Plug SQL : hd-webplayer.pl
  8. WP Acf-Frontend-Display Plugin File Upload Exploiter: acf_up.pl
  9. WP Nine To Five Theme File Upload Exploiter : 9to5.pl

Coded with perl by M-A (Mr_AnarShi-T)