
CppStreams is a data pipeline library for C++

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CppStreams is a data pipeline library for C++14.


using namespace cpp_streams;

std::vector<int> ints {3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,4};

// Produce a sum of even ints (+1)
auto sum =
      from (ints)
  >>  filter ([] (auto && v) {return v % 2 == 0;})  // Keep only even numbers
  >>  map ([] (auto && v) {return v + 1;})          // +1
  >>  to_sum                                        // Compute sum

std::cout << "SUM: " << sum << std::endl;

Verified compilers

  1. Visual Studio 2015
  2. G++ 4.9.2
  3. Clang++ 3.6.0


In functional programming languages, such as Haskell & SML, programmers have been working with data pipelines for 30+ years.

"Recently" this has become available to mainstream programmers in languages such as C# (2008, LINQ) and Java (2014, Streams) as these languages has begun adopting more functional constructs.

With C++11 C++ got lambda expressions which is crucial in order to implement data pipelines. Several attempts have been made to implement data pipelines among others cpplinq that I begun working on during summer 2012.

The motivation for CppStreams are:

  1. Use push instead of pull as this seems to lead to more efficient pipelines.
  2. Support of update of source container (cpplinq can't do this)
  3. Use C++14 in order to make the library code more succinct and easier to extend.
  4. Use functional naming conventions over C# LINQ naming conventions.
  5. Having a bit of fun


  1. C# LINQ got me interested in data pipelines
  2. F# made me to rediscover FP
  3. nessos/Streams is a data pipeline for F#/C# that relies on push
  4. Even though I authored cpplinq it's still an inspiration for CppStreams in terms of goals and learning on what can be improved


Source operators

    • Currently doesn't work on VS2015 RC
Prio Status Source operator Comment
Done from Creates a source from a STL container
Done from_iterators Creates a source from a pair of iterators
Done from_array Creates a source from a C-style array
Done from_repeat Creates an source from a value and repeat count
Done from_singleton Creates an source from a value
Done from_empty Creates an empty source
Done from_range* Creates a source from a range
2 Planned from_unfold Creates an source from an unfold function
2 Planned from_generator Creates an source from a generator function

Pipe operators

Prio Status Pipe operator Comment
Done filter Filter elements in pipeline using filter function
Done map Maps elements in pipeline using map function
Done reverse* Reverses elements in pipeline
Done append Appends two pipelines
Done skip_while Skips while func is true for elements in pipeline
Done take_while Takes while func is true for elements in pipeline
Done mapi Maps elements in pipeline using mapi function
Done collect Collects sub elements in pipeline
Done skip Skips n elements in pipeline
Done take Takes n elements in pipeline
Done sort* Orders elements in pipeline using order function
Done sort_by* Orders elements in pipeline using order function
1 Planned order_by Orders elements in pipeline using order function
1 Planned then_by Orders elements in pipeline using order function
1 Planned concat Concats a pipeline of pipelines
2 Planned choose Chooses elements in pipeline
2 Planned distinct_by Unique elements in pipeline using select function
2 Planned partition Partitions elements in pipeline in two heaps
2 Planned reduce Reduces elements in pipeline using reduce function
2 Planned union_with Union of two pipelines
2 Planned intersect_with Intersection of two pipelines
2 Planned expect_with Disjunction of two pipelines
2 Planned windowed Splits elements in pipeline in chunks
2 Planned compare_with Compares two pipelines
2 Planned pairwise Makes pair of elements in pipeline
2 Planned permute Permutes elements in pipeline using permutes func
2 Planned join_with Joins two pipelines

Sink operators

Prio Status Sink operator Comment
Done to_first_or_default Returns the first element of pipeline or default
Done to_last_or_default Returns the last element of pipeline or default
Done to_sum Returns sum of elements in pipeline
Done to_vector Returns vector of elements in pipeline
Done to_iter Applies iteration function to elements in pipeline
Done to_fold Applies fold function to elements in pipeline
Done to_any True if pipeline has any element matching predicate
Done to_all True if all pipeline element matches predicate
Done to_length Returns length of elements in pipeline
Done to_set Returns set of elements in pipeline
Done to_map* Returns map of elements in pipeline
Done to_max Returns max of elements in pipeline
Done to_min Returns min of elements in pipeline
2 Planned to_average Returns average of elements in pipeline
2 Planned to_first Returns the first element of pipeline or empty
2 Planned to_split_at Splits a pipeline at index n
2 Planend to_last Returns the last element of pipeline or empty
2 Planned to_lookup Returns lookup of elements in pipeline
2 Planned to_scan Applies scan function to elements in pipeline
2 Planned to_split_into Splits a pipeline into at most n chunks


NEXT: 011

  1. 010 - VS2015: Find work-around for busted pipes
  2. 006 - performance: Add performance tests
  3. 007 - coverage: Add code coverage tests
  4. 001 - general: Capture by RValue reference as implied here: capture-by-universal-reference
  5. 002 - iteration_sink: Check return type, if void return false
  6. 008 - general: Use static_assert to check argument types
  7. 009 - general: Use std::forward in API functions
  8. 003 - from: Should capture the container by value if RValue reference
  9. 004 - test: Figure out how to test negative type test cases (these will trigger compilation errors).
  10. 005 - general: Not happy with the requirement to capture this in lambdas, find alternative


  1. 000 - Complete status of operators