
Js_boolean can't be found.

Closed this issue · 7 comments

742 │ Js_dict.set json "value" (Js_json.boolean (Js_boolean.to_js_boolean
743 │ json

The module or file Js_boolean can't be found.

@bobzhang Indeed. Works fine after remove the translation . Thanks.

I'll start working on this project again shortly. Getting back into bucklescript for a small project :)

@mransan Welcome back. Waiting for anthor release.

So I tried updating to opam 2.x.x but running into some issue with the simple build system that is currently used in ocaml-protoc


I'll start looking at Dune since it seems to be the most common build system.

@swuecho new compiler is published: ocaml/opam-repository#15160

upgraded and works great! thanks!