
a Realtime Javascript Boilerplate base on Meteor Js Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


###WHAT IS METEORIS? Meteoris is a Realtime Javascript Boilerplate base on Meteor Js framework v.0.9.x. It's help you structuring your Meteor Js apps, and there are many usefull packages inside.


  • Looking for MVC/MVVM/MVP boilerplate for meteor v.0.9.x?
  • Tired of installing required packages/plugin, searching for best packages?
  • Don't know how to structure your meteor apps or are too lazy to restructure again and again every time you create a new project?
  • Tring to find the best structure for your meteor app?
  • Confused or don't have the time to learn about whats new in the latest meteor version? METEORIS IS THE SOLUTION :)

###WHAT'S INSIDE METEORIS? Meteoris uses standard, usefull, robust and stable packages like Iron Router and Collection2. Want to quickly understand what's inside Meteoris? Here is the simple demo about how Meteoris works http://meteoris.piyiku.biz

Here is a list of packages which Meteoris uses:

  • meteor-platform 1.1.0 Include a standard set of Mete...
  • aldeed:collection2 2.1.0 Automatic validation of insert...
  • iron:router 0.9.3 Routing specifically designed ...
  • meteorhacks:subs-manager 1.1.0 Subscriptions Manager for Meteor
  • reywood:publish-composite 1.3.0 Publish a set of documents and...
  • accounts-base 1.1.0 A user account system
  • accounts-password 1.0.1 Password support for accounts
  • mystor:device-detection 0.2.0 Client-Side Device Type Detect...
  • sacha:spin 2.0.4 Simple spinner package for Meteor
  • mizzao:timesync 0.2.2 NTP-style time synchronization...
  • jquery 1.0.0 Manipulate the DOM using CSS s...
  • mrt:moment 2.8.1 Moment.js, a JavaScript date l...
  • lepozepo:accounting 1.0.0 Accounting.js - number, money...
  • cfs:standard-packages 0.0.2 Filesystem for Meteor, collect...
  • cfs:filesystem 0.0.0 Filesystem storage adapter for...
  • cfs:ejson-file 0.0.0 CollectionFS, FS.File as EJSON...
  • cfs:gridfs 0.0.0 GridFS storage adapter for Col...
  • pinglamb:bootstrap3 3.2.1 Front-end framework from Twitt...
  • francocatena:status 0.9.7 Display the connection status ...
  • accounts-facebook 1.0.0 Login service for Facebook acc...
  • accounts-google 1.0.0 Login service for Google accounts
  • service-configuration 1.0.1 Manage the configuration for t...
  • pfafman:font-awesome-4 4.2.0 Font awesome packaged for meteor
  • ground:db 0.0.6 Ground Meteor.Collections offline
  • cordova:org.apache.cordova.geolocation 0.3.9

note: autopublish and insecure package are removed due to security reason.

###METEORIS ROADMAP AND CHANGELOG You can view our roadmap from this link. https://trello.com/b/01SvtPLA/meteoris-roadmap. if you want to share your idea, just write it in our trello page from that link.

###WHAT'S NEW IN V0.5.2

  • Now frontend and backend logic is separated
  • Now frontend and backend templates are separated


###WHAT'S NEW IN V0.5.6

  • adding example to switching between template
  • adding example about how to separate backend and frontend page
  • now user is not required to be logged in to a view posts in frontend page


###WHAT'S NEW IN V0.6.1

  • adding facebook login example
  • code refractoring for unused code
  • if there is no image to be shown, show noimage.jpg rather than blank in frontend/postsIndex


###WHAT'S NEW IN V0.6.2

  • adding groundDB v0.0.6 support to make collection able to work offline (thanks to Raix).
  • adding reactive elapsed time functionality (ex: posted 5m ago like in facebook) in meteoris formatter package. You can just type {{meteorisFormatter "elapsedTime" yourDate}} in blaze template view.
  • updating aldeed:collection2 package to v.2.1.0.
  • now you can access meteoris demo from http://meteoris.piyiku.biz rather than http://piyiku.biz:3001


A. Installation

Before using this, make sure you have installing meteor with version greater than or equal to 0.9.1. To install meteor, run this command "curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh". After that, follow this instruction:

  1. Git clone or download this repo. "git clone https://github.com/radiegtya/meteoris.git"
  2. Rename directory to your desired name "ex: meteoris to myproject"
  3. Change dir to your apps then just run "sudo meteor". Then type "localhost:3000" in your browser.
  4. There will be a running DEMO to get you started easily. Register your account from registration page, then loging in using those account. You can then use the demo CRUDSS app.

B. Folder Structure

client/ 				# Client folder
    assets/             # Packages with global variable
    configs/            # Configuration files on the client
    css/                # Css files
    templates/          # Custom your template here
    views/              # Your views files 
        backend/        # Backend view pages
        frontend/       # Frontend view pages
lib/ 					# Executed both from client/server
    applications/       # framework base classes
    collections/        # Your collection files
    controllers/        # Your controllers files
        backend/        # Backend Controllers logical
        frontend/       # Frontend Controllers logical
    router.js           # Your routing location
public/ 			    # Your images or file
server/ 			    # Server folder

C. Routing, Controller and Views

1. What is a Controller

Controllers are class which are responsible for displaying dynamic data in the view.

2. Creating a Controller (Backend)

Let's create a simple controller named PostsController that extends MeteorisController.

PostsController = MeteorisController.extend({


save this file in "lib/controllers/PostsController.js"

3. Creating function inside Controller (Backend)

Backend.PostsController = MeteorisController.extend({
	getOtherMessage: function(){
            return "my Name is Ega Wachid Radiegtya";
	/* passing data from controllers to view */
    data: function() {
	    var otherMessage = this.getOtherMessage();
        return {
			helloWorld: "Hello World",        
			otherMessage: otherMessage,

save this file in "lib/controllers/backend/PostsController.js"

function data is responsible for storing dynamic data to be displayed to the view. Create a view with related name, remember this is a the best practice naming convention in Meteoris.

4. Creating html page to be used for Controller

<template name="backend_postsIndex">

save this file in "client/views/backend/posts/index.html"

5. Setup your router Router is responsible for url formatting, for example if you want to redirect user to "AppName/posts/index". You can make routing like this.

Best practice note:

  • AppName is your apps name
  • posts is your controller name or your folder in views name
  • index is your view name inside folder posts This is a little different from MVC concept that other frameworks use, where index is function name from the controller. It's Because we are using MVVM concept.
    /* POSTS */
    this.route('backend_postsIndex', { //targetted template
        path: 'backend/posts/index/', //desired path
        controller: Backend.PostsController, //targetted controller

save this file in "lib/router.js"

6. running your app To run your app, use this url http://localhost:3000/posts/index. Now you should see "Hello World" and "my Name is Ega Wachid Radiegtya" message on your screen. Congratulation!

For complete tutorial about routing, controller and view you can visit this page https://github.com/EventedMind/iron-router from EventedMind.

D. Collections

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

E. Publish Subscribe

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.


Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

G. Validation Message

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

H. Flash Message

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

I. Sorting Table

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

J. User RBAC

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

K. Pagination

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

L. Using Meteoris Packages

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

M. Templating for Desktop Apps

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

N. Templating for Mobile Apps

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

O. Sending Email

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.

P. Uploading Files

Documentation are Coming Soon! For now you can try the code at Posts DEMO.