
A place to be productive with others.

Primary LanguageRuby

Visit the Coffeeshop

Code Climate Build Status

Doing work alone sucks. It's much more enjoyable when there are other productive people are around.

Kind of like working at a coffeeshop? Exactly like working in a coffeeshop. (Without the public wifi or the coffee itself.)

Want to Contribute?

Submit a pull request! Check the TODO List for the top priority features and fixes.

  • Please be descriptive with your commit messages.
  • Passing TDD/BDD code is heavily preferred, unless explicitly required.

Please message me if you have any questions!


High Priority

  • Prevent user from spamming the chat room excessively.

branch add-feature-requests

  • Feature Requests can have many comments.

Everything Else

  • Usernames should not have whitespace. URL friendly like gorgeous-sharpie.
  • Display the current number of chatters.
    • Example: "You and 5 others are now at the coffeeshop."
    • Make specs in add-chatters-count branch pass
  • When a user posts, everyone gets a sound notification.
    • Should be able to be silenced.
  • Add video background of cafe movement
  • Positions new message field near chat messages.
    • New message and message list should be in the same area.


  • Older versions of Firefox may need an OGG version of the audio.

Develooment Environment


  • Ruby version specified in .ruby-version
  • Mongodb

Starting Development Server

  1. bundle to ensure you've got everything installed.
  2. bundle exec foreman start --procfile=Procfile.dev to start the application and the realtime private pub server.
  3. You can access the application at http://localhost:5000/.