
Toast view and HUD on iOS.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


CocoaPods compatible Platform License: MIT

ZHToast is a simple iOS toast view, it can be used to show text message or HUD on device screen. ZHToastView provides multiple kinds of features and easy to use.


ZHToast works on iOS 6+ and requires ARC to build. It depends on below Apple frameworks:

  • UIKit.framework
  • Foundation.framework



platform :ios, '6.0'

pod 'ZHToast', '~> 0.0.1'

if this doesn't work, then directly add pod entry like this:

platform :ios, '6.0'

pod 'ZHToast', :git => 'https://github.com/mrarronz/ZHToast.git', :tag => '0.0.1'


Drag the folder ZHToast to your own project and import ZHToastView.h in the class file.


The example project provides multiple ways to use the ZHToast. Following is the screenshot and usage code:



Hint is the most normal style, we often use it to show a text message only with a label. you can use it like this:

ZHToastView *toast = [[ZHToastView alloc] initWithStyle:ZHToastStyleHint];
toast.parentView = self.view;
toast.toastAnim = ZHToastAnimationFade;
toast.labelText = @"Hello Animation~~";
toast.automaticallyHide = YES;
[toast show];

or simply use the Class method:

[ZHToastView showToast:@"Hello world!"];



Image style is showing a text with an icon, sometimes we may need to show a success message to user after completing a task successfully. Below is the sample code:

ZHToastView *toast = [[ZHToastView alloc] initWithStyle:ZHToastStyleImage];
toast.parentView = self.view;
toast.toastAnim = ZHToastAnimationLinear;
toast.labelText = @"Mission Complete";
toast.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"success"];
toast.automaticallyHide = YES;
[toast show];

or you can simply use it like this:

[ZHToastView showToast:@"Data downloaded" image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"success"]];


image image

The HUD style shows a loading message with an indicator, call this method when you have tasks executed in the background thread.

ZHToastView *toast = [[ZHToastView alloc] initWithStyle:ZHToastStyleHUD];
toast.parentView = self.view;
toast.bkgColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
toast.automaticallyHide = YES;
[toast show];

4、Show in NavigationBar


This UI style simulated the pop message in the app ZAKER

ZHToastView *toast = [[ZHToastView alloc] initWithStyle:ZHToastStyleNavBar];
toast.labelText = @"Successfully loaded";
toast.bkgColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.222 green:0.777 blue:0.222 alpha:1.0];
toast.automaticallyHide = YES;
[toast show];



Loading style is different from HUD, the indicator is displayed on left of the text label. I prefer to use it with loading a webview.

ZHToastView *toast = [[ZHToastView alloc] initWithStyle:ZHToastStyleLoading];
toast.parentView = self.view;
toast.labelText = @"Loading, please wait...";
toast.automaticallyHide = YES;
[toast show];

ZHToast provides multiple properties to customize the UI. Suggest to use any toast or HUD with an objective-c category, for example, you can create a UIView category named 'UIView+Toast'(whatever), encapsulate all the usage methods in the category.

- (void)toast:(NSString *)text;

in the view you want to display it, just do it like below:

[self.view toast:@"Yes, this is awesome!"];


This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.