
ERROR: hmm-info command doesn't exist. However I have `hmm-info` working in terminal.

andi611 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I've successfully installed pytorch-kaldi before.
However, when I try to install on a new machine I encountered this error:
~/.bashrc is successfully set,
hmm-info and copy-feats are both working in the terminal,
as shown in the screenshot.

However, when I run I still got this error:
ERROR: hmm-info command doesn't exist. Make sure your .bashrc contains the Kaldi paths and correctly exports it.

Can you please show me how to fix this, or give some insight into the problem?
Thank you for your help!

I've figured out what caused this error:
hmm-info was executed with <model-in> as: kaldi/egs/librispeech/s5/exp/tri4b/final.mdl.

However my final.mdl was missing, which makes hmm-info returns a ''.
The returned '' caused pytorch-kaldi to throw the above ERROR msg,
saying that it is a Kaldi PATH problem, which is very misleading as in my case.