
Generate Brickadia Save files from PNG heightmaps

Primary LanguageRust


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Example output GTAV Map Gui


You need rust.

Run cargo build for the CLI, cargo build --example gui for the gui.


Compile or download from releases.

heightmap.exe --help for usage instructions:

    heightmap.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <INPUT>

        --cull       Automatically remove bottom level bricks and fully transparent bricks
    -h, --help       Prints help information
        --hdmap      Using a high detail rgb color encoded heightmap
        --lrgb       Use linear rgb input color instead of sRGB
        --micro      Render bricks as micro bricks
        --nocollide  Disable brick collision
        --old        Use old unoptimized heightmap code
        --snap       Snap bricks to the brick grid
        --tile       Render bricks as tiles
        --stud       Render bricks as stud cubes
    -i  --img        Make heightmap flat (use as img2brick)
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --colormap <colormap>    Input colormap PNG image
    -o, --output <output>        Output BRS file
    -s, --size <size>            Brick stud size (default 1)
    -v, --vertical <vertical>    Vertical scale multiplier (default 1)
    --owner <owner>              Set the owner name (default Generator)
    --owner_id <owner_id>        Set the owner id (default a1b16aca-9627-4a16-a160-67fa9adbb7b6)

    <INPUT>...    Input heightmap PNG images


An example command for generating the GTA V map would be:

heightmap example_maps/gta5_fixed2_height.png -c example_maps/gta5_fixed2_color.png -s 4 -v 20 --tile -o gta5.brs

To use stacked heightmap for increased resolution, simply provide more input files. See the stacked_N.png files in the example_maps directory for example stacked heightmaps.

heightmap ./example_maps/stacked_1.png ./example_maps/stacked_2.png ./example_maps/stacked_3.png ./example_maps/stacked_4.png --tile

To generate HD heightmaps for the --hdmap flag, check out Kmschr's GeoTIFF2Heightmap tool.