This Repository is my implementation for Andrej Karpathy's Neural Networks: Zero to Hero playlist.

I followed the original code in videos, with some modifications and more comments to help me understand the code, you may find it useful too.

Notebook Exercise Original Notebook (made in video)
Micrograd Micrograd Notebook Micrograd Exercises Micograd Original Notebook
Makemore Bigrams Bigrams Exercises Bigrams Original Notebook
Makemore MLP MLP Exercises MLP Original Notebook
Makemore BatchNorm BatchNorm Exercises BatchNorm Original Notebook
Makemore BackProp - BackProp Original Notebook
Makemore Wavenet Wavenet Exercises Wavenet Original Notebook
NanoGPT NanoGPT NanoGPT Exercises minbpe Original Notebook
Minbpe Minbpe - Minbpe Original Notebook


other resources and papers links are in the repositories.