
Hash Chained Encryption using MD5

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


PHP Hash Chaining Encryption using MD5

This package implements a Hash Chaining method of encryption using MD5 for the hash algorithm. It is copied from the perl module Crypt::HCE_MD5. By combining a secret digest and a public digest, you can achieve encryption and decryption of plaintext.

WARNING: Please be warned that significant advancements in MD5 hash cracking have occurred in the past decade, so MD5 is considered a fairly weak hash to use for any purpose that involves authentication.


require "hce_md5.class.php";

/* Instantiate a new object */
$md5 = new hce_md5($pubKey, $privKey);

/* Returns a binary blob 16 bytes long, but most apps/urls tend to
 * deal with the base64 encoded version, so convert it afterwards. */
$encrypted = $md5->hce_block_encrypt($plaintext);
$b64encrypted = base64_encode($encrypted);

/* Assuming the incoming value is base64, convert it to a binary blob
 * and decrypt it. The returned value will not be base64 encoded. */
$to_decrypt = base64_decode($b64encrypted);
$decrypted = $md5->hce_block_decrypt($to_decrypt);

/* At this point, $decrypted is equal to original $plaintext */