
Quick starter kit based on trixion and webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


this project is a companion kit to trixion.

its purpose is to be both a demonstration of trixion usage,
and also to turbo charge you next project.

with a matching spirit to trixion's one, this is relatively light weight project.

How to use

  1. get the latest release tar.gz/zip file and extract
  2. npm install
  3. clean unnecessary files like README etc...npm run clean
  4. npm run dev
  5. open browser at localhost:4040
  6. start working

Project structure

├─┬ src
│ ├── assets/ - static files that will be included in dist folder
│ ├── components/ - components with their specific styles
│ ├── logic/ - put here your business logic, selectors, actions etc
│ ├── styles/ - anything that is related to styling globally goes here
│ │ └── icons/ - any .svg file that you'll place here will be added to your icon font as ai-iconname
│ ├── ui/ - folders for reusable ui components that are generic app wise such as buttons, titles, boxes etc
│ ├── views/ - entry points to your app - your routes main components should go here
│ ├── app.js - app main file - rendering
│ ├── entry.js - webpack entry point that check if polyfill is needed and calls app.js
│ └── routes.js - app routes
└── dist - your project build files goes here

npm scripts

  • npm start - build and start production server on dist folder. port 8080
  • npm run build - production build of the app to dist folder
  • npm run dev - start dev server in-memory with hot-reload enabled. port 4040
  • npm run clean - clean unnecessary files like README (you can reuse this to clean you dist)
  • npm run profile - get production bundle profile. saved as stats.json read more
    important this profile contains your entire code - take it into account


Hashed bundle

all of the output files of webpack are hashed including you main js entry point.
the main js bundle and the main css file are appended to src/assets/index.html automatically
using html-webpack-plugin plugin.
the plugin also supports variables and more advances usage.

what do I need hashing for?

adding hash to your files allows you to safely increase caching configuration to days/weeks and even months
without the risk of making a change that will not propagate to users due to browser caching/cdn.


you can run npm run build and look in dist/index.html to see that these both resources were added to your page.

added to head

<link href="/css/app-d9de602fafc32fe1e01a.css" rel="stylesheet"></head>

added to body

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/app-d9de602fafc32fe1e01a.js"></script></body>

styling convention

there is a lot of debate on the correct way to write styles.
the offered way in this project is as follows:

  1. the chosen processor is stylus.
    if you are used to scss you can pretty much keep writing styles as you do.
  2. global style resides in src/styles/app.styl
  3. component specific styles are in style.styl next to the component js code.
    there is a feature in css-loader that allows random assignment of classNames using the pseudo selector :local().
  4. global reusable classes resides in src/styles/helpers.styl and are imported like any other module:
Styling example

style.styl || .scss || .css

:local(.baseClass) {
    &-nested {
      color: red;
      &:hover {
        color: blue;
  import {DOM} from 'trixion';
  import {baseClass} from './style.styl';
  // DEV: baseClass = 'baseClass-KIHGF' 
  // PRODUCTION: baseClass = 'KIHGF'
   export default () => (
      DOM.div({className: baseClass},
        DOM.div({className: baseClass + '-nested'})
Global shared class example
import {DOM} from 'trixion';
import {responsiveImage} from 'src/styles/helpers.styl';

export default ({imgSrc}) => (
        className: responsiveImage,
        src: imgSrc

Package redirection

to allow working with modules that requires react - an alias has been set in webpack's config
so that calling importing react or react-dom or preact will actually call trixion which
provides the same api for compatibility purposes.

even so... preact is different from react in several features like refs, warnings etc...

Src module

to ease importing of your own code, another alias has been added so that src can be imported directly.
this will prevent relative path mess and will simplify accessing different parts of you modules.

import {Icon} from 'src/ui/icon';

import {loginSelector} from 'src/logic/selectors';

hack - if you want your IDE to recognize the files using this method you can place a symlink of src in node_modules.
this might irritate you npm - but you might want it anyway.

bash command (from project root)

ln -s ../src node_modules/

Font icons

there is an automated font icon creation that is loaded automatically using webpack fontgen-loader. every svg you'll place under src/styles/icons will be added to the font icons set.

simply add the className ai-iconname to use your icon.

given: src/styles/icons/user.svg -> className: 'ai-user'

const Icon = ({icon}) => DOM.i({className: 'ai-' + icon});