
Java advent of code starter template with one file per day, automatic downloading and caching of each day's input files.

Primary LanguageJava

# Advent-of-Code Java Template for bluej
This is a template to aid in solving Advent of Code puzzles in bluej.

# To Use
In order to download your input files, you will need to update settings.txt
following the instructions included in the file.

Each DayXXSolution class has a main method which will run your solutions.
Solutions come in 3 parts:

1. prepare
    Each class has a prepare method that will receive your input file for the 
    day. This is where you should parse that input into a form you can use.
2. part1
    The part1 method should solve the first part of the problem for the day.
    It should return the solution as a String.
3. part2
    Once part1 is solved, part 2 should solve the second part of the problem.
    It should return the solution as a String.

If you want to try your solution against the sample input provided in the
problem description, you need to copy it into a file in a folder named
input/sample/dayXX/ where XX is the day number with a leading 0 if necessary
(01 for Dec 1st). Name the file whatever you want, but put the name in the
SAMPLE_INPUT_FILENAME String for the proper DayXXSolution class.