
MRuby bindings to NCurses/PDCurses

Primary LanguageC


Curses bindings for MRuby. Links against PDCurses or NCurses.


Demo GIF


You can checkout an example build_config.rb for MRuby + mruby-curses here.

The exact steps are as follows:

  • Download/clone MRuby
  • Download/clone mruby-curses
  • Add the directory containing your system's curses headers to include_paths in MRuby's build_config.rb file.
    • Ex: Building with NCurses
      conf.cc.include_paths << 'PATH/TO/NCURSES/include'
    • Ex: Building with PDCurses
      conf.cc.include_paths << 'PATH/TO/PDCURSES'
  • Add the directory containing your system's curses libraries to library_paths, then add the library names to libraries in MRuby's build_config.rb file, .
    • Ex: Build against ncurses
      conf.linker.library_paths = ['PATH/TO/NCURSES/lib']
      conf.linker.libraries = %w(panel ncurses)
    • Ex: Building against pdcurses
      I renamed pdcurses.a to libpdcurses.a so the linker would find it under the -L directories
      conf.linker.library_paths = ['PATH/TO/PDCURSES']
      conf.linker.libraries = %w(pdcurses)
  • Run rake in MRuby's root directory.

You can try running the scripts in the examples/ directory to test your build.

Note for Mac users: If you get errors like "Error opening terminal xterm-256color" that means ncurses can't find your terminfo files. You can get around this by make install-ing ncurses, or by setting the environment variable TERMINFO=/usr/shar/terminfo. You can do this within your appliction, as long as it's set before you call Curses.init.

On windows, building pdcurses with clang (via mingw32-make & cygwin) then linking to MRuby (also building with clang) is very straightforward and "just works."


The main API is 1-to-1 with the C API for curses. Parameters map the way you would expect (char* to String, int to Fixnum, etc). A point of note is that characters in curses are handled as numbers (same as the MRI Curses gem). Though, the *addch family of functions will allow you to pass a single character string as well.

The bound functions are listed below. If you're new to curses development, you can find documentation online. You might start here or here.

There is also a higher-level, Backbone.js inspired framework included called CUI. CUI includes:

  • Easy initialization of curses for raw input CUI.init
  • An Events module that can be mixed in to any class
    • Just like Backbone, CUI itself mixis in Events
  • An event loop
    • Triggers all input events on the focused window, if any, and CUI itself.
    • Resizes all Windows when the terminal is resized
      • Calls the window's layout method and sets @invalid to true, which you can check in your Window#render method.
    • Re-renders any invalid windows at ~50fps.
  • A Model class, which provides the model_attr class macro
    • model_attrs are just like attr_accessors, but they trigger change events on changes.
    • This allows the familiar Backone idiom in your views
      @model.on(:change) { @invalid = true } # Make sure we re-render on the next render frame
  • A Window class used to create views
    • Each window is backed by a curses panel, which allows curses to render overlapping windows correctly.
    • The layout and render methods can be overridden to customize interaction with the event loop.
    • All windows have an io property, which is a WindowIO object.
  • A WindowIO class
    • Provides higher-level window output routines built on the Curses module.
  • An example TextInput class
    • A single-line text input window
    • Gets input asynchronously from the event loop, rather than in a blocking manner like Curses.getstr

CUI is meant to provide the basic building blocks that I think all curses applicaitons are going to need, and nothing more. Have a peek at examples/cui_windows.rb to see it in action. A larger example is available here. CUI is brand new, so any bug reports are appreciated!

Bound Functions

  • Curses::addch
  • Curses::addnstr
  • Curses::addstr
  • Curses::assume_default_colors
  • Curses::attroff
  • Curses::attron
  • Curses::attrset
  • Curses::baudrate
  • Curses::beep
  • Curses::bkgd
  • Curses::bkgdset
  • Curses::border
  • Curses::bottom_panel
  • Curses::box
  • Curses::can_change_color
  • Curses::cbreak
  • Curses::clear
  • Curses::clearok
  • Curses::clrtobot
  • Curses::clrtoeol
  • Curses::copywin
  • Curses::curs_set
  • Curses::curses_version
  • Curses::def_prog_mode
  • Curses::def_shell_mode
  • Curses::del_curterm
  • Curses::del_panel
  • Curses::delay_output
  • Curses::delch
  • Curses::deleteln
  • Curses::delscreen
  • Curses::delwin
  • Curses::derwin
  • Curses::doupdate
  • Curses::dupwin
  • Curses::echo
  • Curses::echochar
  • Curses::endwin
  • Curses::erase
  • Curses::erasechar
  • Curses::filter
  • Curses::flash
  • Curses::flushinp
  • Curses::getattrs
  • Curses::getbegx
  • Curses::getbegy
  • Curses::getbkgd
  • Curses::getcurx
  • Curses::getcury
  • Curses::getmaxx
  • Curses::getmaxy
  • Curses::getnstr
  • Curses::getparx
  • Curses::getpary
  • Curses::getstr
  • Curses::halfdelay
  • Curses::has_colors
  • Curses::has_ic
  • Curses::has_il
  • Curses::has_key
  • Curses::hide_panel
  • Curses::hline
  • Curses::idcok
  • Curses::idlok
  • Curses::immedok
  • Curses::inch
  • Curses::init_color
  • Curses::init_pair
  • Curses::initscr
  • Curses::innstr
  • Curses::insch
  • Curses::insdelln
  • Curses::insertln
  • Curses::insnstr
  • Curses::insstr
  • Curses::instr
  • Curses::intrflush
  • Curses::is_linetouched
  • Curses::is_wintouched
  • Curses::isendwin
  • Curses::keyname
  • Curses::keypad
  • Curses::killchar
  • Curses::leaveok
  • Curses::longname
  • Curses::meta
  • Curses::mouseinterval
  • Curses::move
  • Curses::move_panel
  • Curses::mvaddch
  • Curses::mvaddnstr
  • Curses::mvaddstr
  • Curses::mvcur
  • Curses::mvdelch
  • Curses::mvderwin
  • Curses::mvgetch
  • Curses::mvgetnstr
  • Curses::mvgetstr
  • Curses::mvhline
  • Curses::mvinch
  • Curses::mvinnstr
  • Curses::mvinsch
  • Curses::mvinsnstr
  • Curses::mvinsstr
  • Curses::mvinstr
  • Curses::mvprintw
  • Curses::mvscanw
  • Curses::mvvline
  • Curses::mvwaddch
  • Curses::mvwaddnstr
  • Curses::mvwaddstr
  • Curses::mvwdelch
  • Curses::mvwgetch
  • Curses::mvwgetnstr
  • Curses::mvwgetstr
  • Curses::mvwhline
  • Curses::mvwin
  • Curses::mvwinch
  • Curses::mvwinnstr
  • Curses::mvwinsch
  • Curses::mvwinsnstr
  • Curses::mvwinsstr
  • Curses::mvwinstr
  • Curses::mvwprintw
  • Curses::mvwscanw
  • Curses::mvwvline
  • Curses::napms
  • Curses::new_panel
  • Curses::newpad
  • Curses::newwin
  • Curses::nl
  • Curses::nocbreak
  • Curses::nodelay
  • Curses::noecho
  • Curses::nonl
  • Curses::noqiflush
  • Curses::noraw
  • Curses::notimeout
  • Curses::overlay
  • Curses::overwrite
  • Curses::panel_above
  • Curses::panel_below
  • Curses::panel_hidden
  • Curses::panel_window
  • Curses::pechochar
  • Curses::pnoutrefresh
  • Curses::prefresh
  • Curses::printw
  • Curses::putp
  • Curses::qiflush
  • Curses::raw
  • Curses::redrawwin
  • Curses::refresh
  • Curses::replace_panel
  • Curses::reset_prog_mode
  • Curses::reset_shell_mode
  • Curses::resetty
  • Curses::resize_term
  • Curses::savetty
  • Curses::scanw
  • Curses::scr_dump
  • Curses::scr_init
  • Curses::scr_restore
  • Curses::scr_set
  • Curses::scrl
  • Curses::scroll
  • Curses::scrollok
  • Curses::set_curterm
  • Curses::set_term
  • Curses::setscrreg
  • Curses::show_panel
  • Curses::slk_attroff
  • Curses::slk_attron
  • Curses::slk_attrset
  • Curses::slk_clear
  • Curses::slk_color
  • Curses::slk_init
  • Curses::slk_label
  • Curses::slk_noutrefresh
  • Curses::slk_refresh
  • Curses::slk_restore
  • Curses::slk_set
  • Curses::slk_touch
  • Curses::standend
  • Curses::standout
  • Curses::start_color
  • Curses::subpad
  • Curses::subwin
  • Curses::syncok
  • Curses::termattrs
  • Curses::termname
  • Curses::tgetent
  • Curses::tgetflag
  • Curses::tgetnum
  • Curses::tgoto
  • Curses::tigetflag
  • Curses::tigetnum
  • Curses::tigetstr
  • Curses::timeout
  • Curses::top_panel
  • Curses::touchline
  • Curses::touchwin
  • Curses::tparm
  • Curses::typeahead
  • Curses::unctrl
  • Curses::ungetmouse
  • Curses::untouchwin
  • Curses::update_panels
  • Curses::use_default_colors
  • Curses::use_env
  • Curses::vidattr
  • Curses::vline
  • Curses::waddch
  • Curses::waddnstr
  • Curses::waddstr
  • Curses::wattroff
  • Curses::wattron
  • Curses::wattrset
  • Curses::wbkgd
  • Curses::wbkgdset
  • Curses::wborder
  • Curses::wclear
  • Curses::wclrtobot
  • Curses::wclrtoeol
  • Curses::wcursyncup
  • Curses::wdelch
  • Curses::wdeleteln
  • Curses::wechochar
  • Curses::wenclose
  • Curses::werase
  • Curses::wgetch
  • Curses::wgetnstr
  • Curses::wgetstr
  • Curses::whline
  • Curses::winch
  • Curses::winnstr
  • Curses::winsch
  • Curses::winsdelln
  • Curses::winsertln
  • Curses::winsnstr
  • Curses::winsstr
  • Curses::winstr
  • Curses::wmove
  • Curses::wnoutrefresh
  • Curses::wprintw
  • Curses::wredrawln
  • Curses::wrefresh
  • Curses::wresize
  • Curses::wscanw
  • Curses::wscrl
  • Curses::wsetscrreg
  • Curses::wstandend
  • Curses::wstandout
  • Curses::wsyncdown
  • Curses::wsyncup
  • Curses::wtimeout
  • Curses::wtouchln