
mruby-lua calls Lua script engine from mruby.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


mruby-lua calls Lua script engine from mruby. It provides to use many Lua scripts written for embedded host on mruby environment.


  • liblua5.2 libraries and headers.

I checked to build on Debian GNU/Linux x86, LMDE2 x64 and MinGW32 on MS-Windows7.


class Lua

Class Lua provides Lua script engine. It has a pointer to lua_State structure.

Singleton methods

  • new -> self
    • Create instance of Lua script engine.

Instance methods

  • dostring(script_string) -> nil

    • Run Lua script from string object.
  • dofile(script_file_path) -> nil

    • Run Lua script from file.
  • [key] -> object, [key] = object

    • Set or Get global variable from Lua.


Lua#dostring method

lua = Lua.new

script =<<"EOF"
  function twice(x)
    return x * 2
  a = 10
  b = 20
  print(a * twice(b))

lua.dostring script
  => 400

Lua#dofile method

lua = Lua.new
lua.dofile "test/fib.lua"

Lua#[] method

Get global variable from Lua.

lua = Lua.new

lua.dostring "a = 10; b = 20; c = a * b"

p lua["a"] # => 10
p lua["b"] # => 20
p lua["c"] # => 200

lua.dostring "vec1 = { x = 0.0, y = 1.0, z = 3.0 }"
p lua["vec1"]
# => {"x"=>0, "y"=>1, "z"=>3}

Lua#[]= method

Set global variable to Lua.

lua = Lua.new

lua["a"] = 123
lua["b"] = 23.45
lua["c"] = true
lua["d"] = nil

lua.dostring "print(a)" # => 123
lua.dostring "print(b)" # => 23.45
lua.dostring "print(c)" # => true
lua.dostring "print(d)" # => nil

Supported data convertion

MRuby type To Lua From Lua Lua type
Nil o o NIL
Fixnum o o NUMBER
Float o o NUMBER
String o o STRING
array TABLE
hash o TABLE
C pointer o FUNCTION(c)
Exception -
Bool o o BOOLEAN