This library is based on PLplot for quickly plotting charts with mruby.
While PLplot has a huge arsenal of features, this gem is focused on provide a simple, sensible OO interface to it, sometimes deliberately altering the original PLplot interface style in favor to what I (arguably) consider as a faster and more convenient way for getting the work done.
Of course a working install of PLplot is needed. It is cross-platform and known to work on Linux, OS X, and Windows. At the moment, only Cairo drivers are here directly supported
As simple as that:
df = %w(time sin cos)
100.times do |i|
t = Math::PI / 50 * i
df << [t, Math::sin(t), Math::cos(t)]
l1 = # first data series
l2 = # second data series "time", "sin" "time", "cos"
puts "Printing using PLPlot v#{PLPlot.version}"
puts "Available file formats: #{PLPlot::FORMATS}"
PLPlot.set_grid(1,3) # I want a grid of 1 column, 3 rows of charts
PLPlot.set_page(720, 540) # make it 720px x 540px (default)
PLPlot.plot("block_plot.png") do |p| # driver is inferred from file extension
p.load([l1, l2]) # use full range for both l1 and l2
p.labels("x", "y", "Test Plot from mruby")
l1.line(:blue, 1, 3) # thickness 1, line type 3
l2.line(:red, 2.5) # thickness 2.5, line type 0 (default)
p.load([l1, l2]) = :major # see PLPlot::BOX_CODES and PLPlot::SCALING_CODES
p.set_range(*l1.range) # use only range of l1
p.labels("x", "y", "Second Test Plot from mruby")
l2.line(:black, 1)
l2.scale = 1.5 # set points scale to 1.5
p.load([l1, l2]) = :ticks # sticky attribute (for next subplots)
p.scaling = :square # sticky attribute
p.chr_scale = 1.3 # increase font size by 30%
p.labels("x", "y", "Square plot")
l1.line(PLPlot.cycle_color) # cycles line color from 1 to 15 at every call
l1.scale = 1 # set points scale to 1
l1.points(:brown) # brown square points
p.chr_scale = 1 # back to default font size
This results in the following image:
LegendsAllow easy positioning of the legend box- Allow selection of box/nobox for legend
Simplify box creation and envelope calculation (e.g. by usingplenv
calls)Improve interface ofPLPlot::env
Allow to set chart size- Add support to interctive drivers
- Add support to 3D charts
Move from trivialC-storage for numerical data)Series
class to a more flexibleDataFrame
class (multiple column,