
A lite version of Firehol's update-ipsets tool

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A lite version of Firehol's update-ipsets tool

Firehol and blocklist-ipsets are really amazing but can be difficult to set up for first time users. upip is designed to make that process easier. Here's a quickstart:

# Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install firehol jq
# RedHat:
#sudo yum install firehol jq

cat > /etc/firehol/whitelist4.netset <<EOF

cat > /etc/firehol/whitelist6.netset <<EOF

# interface to bind to (usually your WAN ethernet but in some cases your LAN ethernet

# configure Firehol
cp /etc/firehol/firehol.conf /etc/firehol/firehol.conf.original
cat > /etc/firehol/firehol.conf <<EOF
version 6

# whitelists
ipset4 create whitelist4 hash:net
ipset4 addfile whitelist4 /etc/firehol/whitelist4.netset
ipset6 create whitelist6 hash:net
ipset6 addfile whitelist6 /etc/firehol/whitelist6.netset

# blacklists go here

interface ${INT} myint
    policy accept

# enable Firehol
sed -i "s/START_FIREHOL=.*/START_FIREHOL=YES/" /etc/default/firehol
sed -i "s/WAIT_FOR_IFACE=.*/WAIT_FOR_IFACE=\"${INT}\"/" /etc/default/firehol

# start Firehol
systemctl restart firehol
systemctl status firehol

# install upip
sudo curl -sLo /usr/local/bin/upip https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrbluecoat/upip/main/upip
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/upip

# initialize upip (one-time setup)
sudo upip init

IMPORTANT # blacklists go here must exist in your firehol.conf file below the whitelist section and above the interface section

Now that you have a basic Firehol installation and upip installed, activating blacklists is as easy as

sudo upip add firehol_level1 or sudo upip add dm_tor et_tor yoyo_adservers

You can view installed lists via sudo upip list

You can remove lists via sudo upip remove dm_tor et_tor

You can add upip update to cron to regularly check for remote updates and install them. It will only download and install if the remote list has been updated.

upip supports any list from iplists.firehol.org that has a public local copy link. Note: private lists require extra setup.

You can even add a custom list not hosted at iplists.firehol.org. For example:

upip add doh4.ipset https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dibdot/DoH-IP-blocklists/master/doh-ipv4.txt

While upip doesn't have the advanced geo blocking of update-ipsets, it does support IPv6:

upip add doh6.ipset https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dibdot/DoH-IP-blocklists/master/doh-ipv6.txt

Usage: upip [OPTION]

  help                  this document
  init                  initialize local data from https://iplists.firehol.org/
  list                  show all installed and available lists
  add [NAME(s)]         add an official list to the local Firehol instance
  add [FILENAME] [URL]  add a custom public list to the local Firehol instance
  remove [NAME(s)]      remove a list from the local Firehol instance
  update                refresh local lists with latest version from external sources