
WebSharper bindings for Angular

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


WebSharper bindings for Angular and Angular UI


Experimental WebSharper bindings for Angular JS/UI plus sample project showing their implementation based on the examples available on the Angular website. SharpAngles makes it possible to construct single page apps entirely in F#. Bindings are based on the DefinitelyTyped Angular definitions for TypeScript. Angular modules currently implemented:

  • angular: partially

  • angular-animate: no

  • angular-cookies: no

  • angular-mocks: partially

  • angular-resource: partially

  • angular-route: yes

  • angular-sanitize: no

  • angular-scenario: no

  • angular-ui-router: yes

  • angular-ui-anythingelse: no


The general idea is to implement Angular in a manner that matches the regular JavaScript usage as closely as possible. Below is an example of the first (very simple) example found on the Angular website, translated into F#:

module Server =

    type Todo =
        { text: string
          ``done``: bool }

    let GetTodos () = [|
        { text = "learn angular"; ``done`` = true }
        { text = "build an angular app"; ``done`` = false }
module Client =
    open Server
    type TodoScope =
        inherit Scope
        [<DefaultValue>] val mutable todos: Server.Todo array
        [<DefaultValue>] val mutable addTodo: unit -> unit
        [<DefaultValue>] val mutable remaining: unit -> int
        [<DefaultValue>] val mutable archive: unit -> unit
        [<DefaultValue>] val mutable todoText: string
    let Main =
            .Module("todoApp", [||])
            .Controller("TodoController", (
                            fun (scope: TodoScope) -> 
                                scope.todos <- Server.GetTodos ()
                                scope.addTodo <-
                                    fun _ ->
                                        scope.todos.ToEcma().Push({ text = scope.todoText; ``done`` = false }) |> ignore
                                        scope.todoText <- ""
                                scope.remaining <-
                                    fun _ ->
                                        |> Array.filter (fun t -> not t.``done``)
                                        |> Array.length
                                scope.archive <-
                                    fun _ ->
                                        scope.todos <-
                                            |> Array.filter (fun t -> not t.``done``)

For further details and examples, see the sample project.

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