
Tools for creating little planets.

Primary LanguagePython

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A beautiful piece of code, of course everything is relative.


What do you need to use this code?

The famous content

What do you need to use this code?

To run this code you will need to have:

  • some Python 2.7.12 for now
  • some modules such as the one here little_planet_tools
  • hugin installed somewhere to be able to call is by script
  • imagemagick is a plus as I'm using a a lot to generate contact sheet
  • opencv can be a good idea to have it installed somewhere
  • and some other stuffs I will add later

The famous content

Over the past months I developed my own tools to work on little planets images.

The code is available is split into modules that answer questions I was asking to myself: how can I simply generate little planets from an equi-rectangular panoramic picture?

The operation can be listed as follows:

  1. create a pto configuration file with distance, angle and image output size
  2. apply the configuration file
  3. look at the resulting little planet
  4. restart operation 1 to 3 until satisfied with how look the little planet
  5. export little planet with latest angle and distance parameters values and a larger image output size for ideally printing it later.