
api point

Primary LanguageJavaScript


api point


  • Docker and docker-compose
  • NodeJS
  • AJV (For user input validation)
  • MongoDB (Database)

I used Docker to make it easier to develop the API Service I used NodeJS to make it readable for any users I user AJV for validation I used MongoDB to make it faster and flexibility. Since i used MongoDB Native, i provide a library to make it easier to be used in /pointSystem/libs/db/.

there are 2 main API,

  • USER, /api/users
  • POINT, /api/points/:userID

for user API, there are 4 Methods, POST, PUT, GET and delete for point API, there are 2 methods, GET and PATCH

the first you need to is create a user, POST /api/users

it will instantly create a new collection, point

When user wanna update the point, you will need the userID with format ObjectId of MongoDB


PATCH /api/points/625d8da3033ee7eeb6464605


    "point": 4,
    "type": "increase"

for field type, its enum type. increase and decrease for field point, its number type

please check the telunjuk.json for more detail of the API


this service is using Docker

to run the service, you will need to run this command

$ docker-compose up


$ docker-compose up --build

if everything goes well, than you can hit the API list.