
[WordPress] A foundation for WordPress Plugin Development that aims to provide a clear and consistent guide for building your plugins.

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Plugin Boilerplate compatible with Gutenberg

A standardized, organized, object-oriented foundation for building high-quality WordPress Plugins.

Now also compatible with Gutenberg. ;-)


The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate includes the following files:

  • .gitignore. Used to exclude certain files from the repository.
  • CHANGELOG.md. The list of changes to the core project.
  • README.md. The file that you’re currently reading.
  • A plugin-name directory that contains the source code - a fully executable WordPress plugin.


  • The Boilerplate is based on the Plugin API, Coding Standards, and Documentation Standards.

  • All classes, functions, and variables are documented so that you know what you need to change.

  • The Boilerplate uses a strict file organization scheme that corresponds both to the WordPress Plugin Repository structure, and that makes it easy to organize the files that compose the plugin.

  • The project includes a .pot file as a starting point for internationalization.

  • New file make to work with the console (into plugin-name folder):

    • php make zip to make a clean copy of the plugin into zip
    • php make class CLASS-NAME FOLDER-NAME to create a new file into the FOLDER-NAME indicate with the name: class-plugin-name-CLASS-NAME.php with some base code to start to work
  • Auto generation of some utilities with console (into plugin-name folder):

    • grunt to make auto the plugin-name.pot into the folder languages
    • gulp to start test mode in console and run all the test into tests folder in auto mode when a file of the project is save it
    • Note: for both you need run before in console npm install & composer install
  • PHP CodeSniffer with WordPress standards:

    • You can check te code with WordPress standards with squizlabs/php_codesniffer & wp-coding-standards/wpcs already included with only make composer-install.
    • After that to configure it set vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs.
    • And also set vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set default_standard WordPress.
    • If you have some software like Visual Studio Code (is free) and module like vscode-phpcs or similars, you can see the problems in the code during your work in auto mode. In another case you can do the same and see the problems in console with vendor/bin/phpcs /path/to/code/file-name.php or vendor/bin/phpcs /path/to/code/folder-name
    • IMPORTANT: You can also solve most problems automatically by applying phpcbf instead of phpcs like vendor/bin/phpcbf /path/to/code/file-name.php or vendor/bin/phpcbf /path/to/code/folder-name

    • The admin bar into WordPress dashboard put into different color and with a tag DEV MODE when you active composer install and some features to DEV with that.
    • Into dashboard page index.php of the backend you can see a notice with some information about all you can do in dev mode like:
      • Pretty error interface with Whoops. To see it in action just make a fatal error. ;-)
      • Kint debugging helper. Inside your code insted of use var_dump($variable); try to use d( $variable ); for amazing debug.
    • Into tests folder you have new files to test into different database wich you can setup with the file /wp-tests/wp-tests-config.php and the file bootstrap.php that execute the code to run and manually load the enviroment to test. For a good implementation of test you can see an example with some code as comments in the file test-sample.php.
    • Check also in the root of the plugin the file phpunit.xml to understad all the configuration about it. In this last file avoid bootstrap="tests/bootstrap.php" if you don´t want to test with an extra database that you need to setup in the file /wp-tests/wp-tests-config.php and also previous create in your dev enviroment. IMPORTANT: This dev database is reset in each test.

    • This new folder work in similar way as https://github.com/ahmadawais/create-guten-block because of have their dependencies into the package.json. Hassle-free updates from this single dependency cgb-scripts.
    • You can create new blocks base on the provided examples modifying existing ones or you can just copy & paste each folder from plugin-name\gutenberg\src\basic to for example--> plugin-name\gutenberg\src\custom-block-name.
    • Remember to include the new subfolders references into the file plugin-name\gutenberg\src\blocks.js and keep the name of the main JS file of the block as index.js to easier reference.
    • Work into each block with Sass, React, JSX, and ES6 and send all work in a better compatible mode to plugin-name\gutenberg\dist with:
      • First set the console into the folder plugin-name\gutenberg and run npm install.
      • npm-start to development mode: watches for any changes and reports back any errors in your code.
      • npm run build to finish and build production code into dist folder.
    • All the code into plugin-name\gutenberg\dist is already enqueue by this boilerplate. Please see the files: plugin-name\core\class-plugin-name.php & plugin-name\gutenberg\class-plugin-name-gutenberg.php.


  • The best choice is go to https://boilerplate.pablocianes.com/ and make it easy with a plugin generator base on all this code and your custom personalization in auto mode.

The Boilerplate can be installed directly into your plugins folder "as-is". You will want to rename it and the classes inside of it to fit your needs. For example, if your plugin is named 'example-me' then:

  • rename files from plugin_name to example_me
  • change plugin_name to example_me
  • change PLUGIN_NAME_ to EXAMPLE_ME_

It's safe to activate the plugin at this point. Because the Boilerplate has no real functionality there will be no menu items, meta boxes, or custom post types added until you write the code.

WordPress.org Preparation

  • grunt to make auto the plugin-name.pot into the folder languages

Recommended Tools

i18n Tools

The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate uses a variable to store the text domain used when internationalizing strings throughout the Boilerplate. To take advantage of this method, there are tools that are recommended for providing correct, translatable files:

Any of the above tools should provide you with the proper tooling to internationalize the plugin.


The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate is licensed under the GPL v2 or later.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

A copy of the license is included in the root of the plugin’s directory. The file is named LICENSE.

Important Notes


The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate is licensed under the GPL v2 or later; however, if you opt to use third-party code that is not compatible with v2, then you may need to switch to using code that is GPL v3 compatible.

For reference, here's a discussion that covers the Apache 2.0 License used by Bootstrap.


Note that if you include your own classes, or third-party libraries, there are three locations in which said files may go:

  • plugin-name/gutenberg is for all about the new WordPress editor: Gutenberg
  • plugin-name/core is for all core and loader functionality
  • plugin-name/admin is for all admin-specific functionality
  • plugin-name/public is for all public-facing functionality
  • plugin-name/includes is where functionality shared between the admin area and the public-facing parts of the site reside -> here we can put libraries and helpers

Note that previous versions of the Boilerplate did not include Plugin_Name_Loader but this class is used to register all filters and actions with WordPress.

The example code provided shows how to register your hooks with the Loader class.

What About Other Features?

The previous version of the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate included support for a number of different projects such as the GitHub Updater.

These tools are not part of the core of this Boilerplate, as I see them as being additions, forks, or other contributions to the Boilerplate.

The same is true of using tools like Grunt, Composer, etc. These are all fantastic tools, but not everyone uses them. In order to keep the core Boilerplate as light as possible, these features have been removed and will be introduced in other editions, and will be listed and maintained on the project homepage.


The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate was started in 2011 by Tom McFarlin and has since included a number of great contributions. In March of 2015 the project was handed over by Tom to Devin Vinson.

The current version of the Boilerplate was developed in conjunction with Josh Eaton, Ulrich Pogson, and Brad Vincent.

The homepage is based on a design as provided by HTML5Up, the Boilerplate logo was designed by Rob McCaskill of BungaWeb, and the site favicon was created by Mickey Kay.

Since summer of 2018 is compatible with the new editor of WordPress: Gutenberg.

The new features about Gutenberg have the dependencies to work base on create-guten-block - Ahmad Awais.

Documentation, FAQs, and More

If you’re interested in writing any documentation or creating tutorials please let me know .