
This repo contains dotfiles of my i3 system.

Primary LanguageVim Script

zoso dotfiles(i3wm)

This repo contains my .dotfiles for i3wm.


I am currently using Manjaro 20.2 Nibia

A view of my rice

wall Basic workspace

thunar Thunar file browser and ncmpcpp

ncmpcpp ncmpcpp with script to notify now playing song info using dunst

firefox home page Custom firefox home page

code Coding something useless in vscode

Packages Used

  • Rofi
  • Polybar
  • Nerd patched fonts.
  • Lucida fonts.
  • mpd
  • ncmpcpp
  • st-terminal
  • firefox browser


Copy the files as needed.

Some of the key Mappings

The most needed key mappings are listed here. Others you can find from the i3 config file.

mod + d Rofi (Application Launcher)
mod + enter Launch st-terminal
mod + 0 Session options
mod + shift + q Close focused window
mod + shift + space Toggle floating
mod + shift + r Restart window manager

Things to remember

dotfiles are not updated on a regular basis