
nginx metric using prometheus exporter as sidecar and integrated with Google Cloud Monitoring (Workload Metrics)

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Please be aware: this is not an official code sample or project. It is provided for illustrative purposes only.

nginx with prometheus metrics

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) introduced a feature in Preview (as of Dec 2021) called Workload Metrics. Workload Metrics integrates custom metrics, exposed by workload deployed in the GKE cluster, into Cloud Monitoring. Once the metrics are in Cloud Monitoring they can be used to create dashboards or for autoscaling workloads (e.g. using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)).

With nginx as a sample workload we will look into:

  1. How to expose nginx metrics via prometheus
  2. Deploy nginx with a prometheus exporter sidecar to Kubernetes
  3. Publish nginx metrics to Cloud Monitoring (Workload Metrics)
  4. Scale based deployment HPA and Cloud Monitoring (Workload Metrics)

Quickstart without explanation

If you prefer to skip the explanation you can run the following commands:

cd k8s

kubectl apply -f nginx-with-prometheus.yaml

# ensure workload metrics are enabled 
kubectl get crd podmonitors.monitoring.gke.io

# check if gke service account has 'role/monitoring.metricWriter' 
gcloud projects get-iam-policy $PROJECT \
 --flatten="bindings[].members" \
 --format="table(bindings.role)" \

# expose nginx metrics via workload metrics
kubectl apply -f pod-monitor.yaml

# install the custom metric adapter to make Cloud Monitoring metrics with K8s available
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
  --clusterrole cluster-admin \
  --user "$(gcloud config get-value account)"

# check the redirect: curl -s --head https://git.io/JDYP1 | grep 'Location'
kubectl apply -f https://git.io/JDYP1

# create HPA based on waiting connections
kubectl -f hpa.yaml

# install 'benchmarking' tool
go get github.com/tsliwowicz/go-wrk

# run benchmark and observe in parallel with `kubectl get pods -w` how pods are scaled up
SERVER_IP=$(kubectl get svc nginx-service -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
# run for 10 minutes with 10 connections
go-wrk -d 600 -c 10 http://$SERVER_IP

How to expose nginx metrics via prometheus

The nginx Docker image does not expose metrics in the default configuration. To expose metrics we need to add a stub_status.conf configuration file to the image:

server { 
 listen 8080;
  location /nginx_status {
    deny all;

With that configuration file in place metrics will be exposed at http://CONTAINER_IP:8080/nginx_status

Dockerfile shows how to add that configuration to the nginx container image. To build your own version of the container image run:

cd docker
docker build -t whatever-you-like/nginx:1.21 .
docker push whatever-you-like/nginx:1.21 

For the time being you can use mrbuk/nginx:1:21 for this but be aware that it might be removed in future.

Deploy nginx with a prometheus exporter sidecar to Kubernetes

Now that we have nginx metrics we need to make them compatible with the Prometheus Notion for Metrics as this is what Workload Metrics expects. To do so we use the nginx-promtheus-exporter OSS project.

Instead of deploying the prometheus exporter separately we bundle it as a sidecar to the nginx container in the same pod. Deployment file shows how to do that.

Once deployed and running metrics should be available at http://IP:9113/metrics and look like:

# comments with type/help removed
nginx_connections_accepted 4114
nginx_connections_active 1
nginx_connections_handled 4114
nginx_connections_reading 0
nginx_connections_waiting 0
nginx_connections_writing 1
nginx_http_requests_total 6928
nginx_up 1
nginxexporter_build_info{commit="5f88afbd906baae02edfbab4f5715e06d88538a0",date="2021-03-22T20:16:09Z",version="0.9.0"} 1

Publish nginx metrics to Cloud Monitoring (Workload Metrics)

Workload Metrics deploys a CRD called k get crd podmonitors.monitoring.gke.io into defined a PodMonitor k8s contains a pod-monitor.yaml file that will scrape metrics from nginx and make them available in Cloud Monitoring if Workload Metrics is enabled.

Once you deployed it you should be able to search for nginx_connections_accepted in the Metrics Explorer.

# ensure workload metrics are enabled 
kubectl get crd podmonitors.monitoring.gke.io

# check if gke service account has 'role/monitoring.metricWriter' 
gcloud projects get-iam-policy $PROJECT \
 --flatten="bindings[].members" \
 --format="table(bindings.role)" \

# expose nginx metrics via workload metrics
kubectl apply -f pod-monitor.yaml

Scale based deployment HPA and Cloud Monitoring (Workload Metrics)

To apply the Horizontal Autoscaler config the custom metrics adapter needs to be installed. With the custom metrics adapter deployed we can use a HPA definition to scale nginx based on the number of waiting connections (nginx_connections_waiting).

# install the custom metric adapter to make Cloud Monitoring metrics with K8s available
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
  --clusterrole cluster-admin \
  --user "$(gcloud config get-value account)"

# check the redirect: curl -s --head https://git.io/JDYP1 | grep 'Location'
kubectl apply -f https://git.io/JDYP1

# create HPA based on waiting connections
kubectl -f hpa.yaml

To test application scaling we can run the following two commands (assuming go is installed):

# skip installation if you have the binary already or use wrk instead
go get github.com/tsliwowicz/go-wrk

# run benchmark and observe in parallel with `kubectl get pods -w` how pods are scaled up
SERVER_IP=$(kubectl get svc nginx-service -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
# run for 10 minutes with 10 connections
go-wrk -d 600 -c 10 http://$SERVER_IP

while the go-wrk command is running you should after some time start to see an increased number of nginx pods (up to 10). If you stop go-wrk you will see the pods being scaled down back to 1.