
Primary LanguageObjective-J


This is a backend written in Objective-J running on node.js for the LightObject framework.


You have to have node.js version 4.2 or later. You also need Postgressql database installed too.

To install the backend use npm

npm install objj-backend

From the installed directory do npx objj main.j --help to get all options

A typical start of the backend looks like this: npx objj main.j -d <database name> -u <database username> -v -V -A Model.xcdatamodeld

This means verbose is on and it will log all sql etc with -v, validate the database against the model -V, alter the database so it corresponds to the model -A and the path to the model file is Model.xcdatamodeld.

To use the debugger in chrome start with: npx --node-arg=--inspect-brk objj main.j -d <database name> -u <database username> -v -V -A Model.xcdatamodeld

To set up an Apache webserver I use ProxyPass and have added one line to my Apache config file: ProxyPass /backend http://localhost:1337

More documentation is coming shortly....