This project was developed on dart-analyzer
Support dart and javascript both.
+, -, *, /, ~/, %, -(Negative), >, <, ==, >=, <=, !=, &&, ||, !, &, |,
~, ^, >>, <<, =, +=, -=, &=, |=, ^=, >>=, <<=, expr1 ? expr2 : expr3
The operator doc : Operators | Dart
Function | Comment |
num ABS(num a) |
Return absolutely value of number. |
num SUM(List list) |
Return sum value of a number set. |
double AVERAGE(List list) |
Return average value of a number set. |
num ROUND(num value, int digit) |
Return number value closest to this and limit digits after the decimal point. |
String FIXED(num value, int digit) |
Return string value closest to this and limit digits after the decimal point. |
int INTCEIL(num value) |
Return the least integer value no smaller than this. |
int INTFLOOR(num value) |
Return the greatest integer value no greater than this. |
num POW(num x, num exp) |
Returns x to the power of exp . |
num SQRT(num x) |
Converts x to a double and returns the positive square root of the value. |
bool CONTAIN(List list, List sub) |
Return list is contains all elements in sub . |
bool ISEMPTY(dynamic value) |
Return value is empty or not. The value should be one of String, List or Map. |
num MAX(num a, num b, [num c, ...]) |
Return the max value of number arguments. |
num MIN(num a, num b, [num c, ...]) |
Return the min value of number arguments. |
num VALUE(String a) |
Convert string to number. |
bool REGMATCH(String source, r{String reg}) |
Return the string is match regular rule, true of false. The reg argument need a prefix char r . eg: r"1[0-9]\d{9}$" . |
String SUBSTRING(String s, int start, [int length]) |
Return sub string. |
String REPLACESTRING(String soruce, String old, String new) |
Replace sub string by a new one. And return the new string. |
String TIMEFORMAT(int timestamp, String pattern) |
Return the formated timestamp. The pattern could be "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". |
int TIMESTAMP(String dateString, String pattern) |
Return the timestamp value that parse from a string. |
dartfx: ^1.0.13
To build jsfx
make buildjs
import 'package:dartfx/dartfx.dart';
void main(){
var result = fx("1+(2+3)*7-4");
print('Fx output: $result');
var envs = {
"43858": {"message": "hello"},
"43859": {"currency": "100", "unitName": "Yuan"}
result = fxWithEnvs('\$43859.currency\$+\$43859.unitName\$', envs);
print('Fx output: $result');
result = fxAssignment('\$43858.message\$=\$43859.currency\$+\$43859.unitName\$', envs);
print('Fx output: ${envs["43858"]["message"]}');
fxSetFunctionApply((name, arguments) {
if (name == 'RMB') {
return '¥${arguments.first}';
result = fx('RMB(100)');
print('Fx output: $result');
import { fx, fxWithEnvs, fxAssignment, fxSetFunctionApply } from './jsfx';
console.log(fx('1+(2+3)*7 - 4/2'));
var envs = {
"43858": { "message": "hello" },
"43859": { "currency": "100", "unitName": "Yuan" }
console.log(fxWithEnvs('\$43859.currency\$+\$43859.unitName\$', envs));
var result = fxAssignment('\$43858.message\$=\$43859.currency\$+\$43859.unitName\$', envs);
fxSetFunctionApply((...args) => {
var funcName = args[0];
if (funcName == 'RMB') {
var value = args[1];
return `¥${value}`;
More usage check the test case: test/dartfx_test.dart
& js/jsfx.test.ts